The penultimate of the 2021 CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar Series featuring CIBM Associate member from Cologne, Germany. Seeing while hearing: altered...
October 28, 2021
CIBM members at CHUV-UNIL, Dr. Benedetta Franceschiello and Dr Lorenzo Di Sopra have received two awards, the Prix Retina and the 2021 Swiss OpthAward...
October 20, 2021
The EPFL Workshop on ‘New Horizons in MRI’ took place on Friday, September 24, 2021, with the objective of bringing together experts from across the globe...
October 11, 2021
The CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar series number 18 was a hybrid – both virtual and on-site with a restricted number of people. It is our great honour...
September 30, 2021
The INtegrating Magnetic Resonance SPectroscopy and Multimodal Imaging for Research and Education in MEDicine (INSPiRE-MED) mid-term meeting took place...
September 20, 2021
CIBM researchers and students held a virtual conference, ‘The Translational Brain Imaging Training Network (TRABIT)’ from September 7 to 10, with leading...
September 15, 2021
CIBM held a summer social event on September 3rd, with those in attendance enjoying a walk along the magical River Flon to a guided tour of the historic...
September 8, 2021
CIBM’s Annual Report 2020 highlights the center’s activities over the course of the year as a center of excellence in biomedical imaging. The Report which...
September 1, 2021
The 2021 Summer Edition of the CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar series featured PhD students affiliated to CIBM founding partner institutions to present...
August 31, 2021
Dr. Pol del Aguila Pla presented “Remote and interactive image processing programming laboratories with Jupyter” during a webinar at the IEEE...
July 15, 2021
A research team from the UNIGE and the HUG has found that a special type of brain training based on the principle of ‘neurofeedback’ enables people with...
July 8, 2021
The 2021 Summer Edition of the CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar series featured PhD students affiliated to CIBM founding partner institutions to present...
July 1, 2021
A neuroscience study on Montessori education led by Dr. Solange Denervaud in collaboration with Dr. Eleonora Fornari, a Research Staff Scientist at CIBM...
June 9, 2021
Title: EEG Microstates and Modes of Conscious Experience By Thomas König (Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern, Swit...
June 4, 2021
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