Highlights of the BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2024

On May 15th, 2024, the annual BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2024 returned to the Geneva University Hospital,  bringing together  a record of  over 150 scientists, researchers, ...
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CIBM Annual Symposium 2023: A convergence of minds in biomedical imaging

On December 6th, 2023, the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging Annual Symposium brought together members of the biomedical imaging community from Switzerland and beyond to ...
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Farewell Ceremony Honors Prof. Francois Lazeyras at BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2023

The BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2023 witnessed a heartfelt farewell ceremony dedicated to the esteemed Professor Francois Lazeyras. The event, held at the University of Geneva’s ...
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Highlights of the BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2023

On June 13th, 2023, the annual BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2023  took place at the Auditoire Adolphe Franceschetti, Centre Médical Universitaire (CMU), University of Geneva, bringing ...
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Highlights from CIBM Annual Symposium 2022

On November 30, 2022, the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging Annual Symposium brought together members of the biomedical imaging community from Switzerland and beyond to ...
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CIBM-CHUV-MR Retreat 2022

The CIBM-CHUV-MR Retreat is an annual event with international participation that brings together basic scientists, clinical scientists, clinicians, and industry representatives to critically review progress ...
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Highlights from the International MRS Workshop 2022

In harmony with CIBM traditions, on August 22-24, 2022, the International Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Workshop “MRS 2022: Overcoming the Barriers to Clinical Use” took place at ...
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BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2022

On June 1, 2022, an annual BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day took place at the University Medical Center in Geneva gathering 135 attendees. The meeting was followed ...
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Highlighting MRI Scientific Activity in Geneva: BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2021

A Research Day focusing on MRI, held on  May 5 with the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging.  the University of Geneva’s Brain Behaviour Laboratory (BBL) and ...
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CIBM 15th Anniversary

Wednesday, October 30th marked the Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM)’s 15th Anniversary. We are proud to share that our celebration at the Forum Rolex Learning ...
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