Toupin S, Pezel T, Bustin A, Cochet H. Whole-heart high-resolution late gadolinium enhancement: techniques and clinical applications - Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 55(4): 967-987, June 2022
Mosso J, Yin T, Poitry-Yamate C, Simicic D, Lepore M, McLin VA, Braissant O, Cudalbu C, Lanz B. PET CMRglc mapping and 1H-MRS show altered glucose uptake and neurometabolic profiles in BDL rats - Analytical Biochemistry, 647: 114606, June 2022
Andriot T, Ohnmacht P, Vuilleumier P, Thorens G, Khazaal Y, Ginovart N, Ros T. Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of cannabis use disorder - Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22(6): 1421–1431, June 2022
Lajous H, Roy CW, Hilbert T, de Dumast P, Tourbier S, Alemán-Gómez Y, Yerly J, Yu T, Kebiri H, Payette K, Ledoux JB, Meuli R, Hagmann P, Jakab A, Dunet V, Koob M, Kober T, Stuber M, Bach Cuadra M. A fetal brain Magnetic Resonance acquisition numerical phantom (FaBiAN) - Scientific Reports, 12: 8682, May 2022
Ogier AC, Bustin A, Cochet H, Schwitter J, van Heeswijk RB. Prognostic value of stress cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with known coronary artery disease - Frontiers of Cardiovascular Medicine, 6(9): 876475, May 2022
Nazir MS, Bustin A, Hajhosseiny R, Yazdani M, Ryan M, Vergani V, Neji R, Kunze KP, Nicol E, Masci PG, Perera D, Plein S, Chiribiri A, Botnar R, Prieto C.. High-resolution non-contrast free-breathing coronary cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography for detection of coronary artery disease: validation against invasive coronary angiography - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 24(1): 26, April 2022
Nakatani Y, Nuñez-Garcia M, Cheniti G, Sridi-Cheniti S, Bustin A, Jia S, Goujeau C, André C, Nakashima T, Krisai P, Takagi T, Kamakura T, Derval N, Duchateau J, Pambrun T, Chauvel R, Sacher F, Hocini M, Haïssaguerre M, Sermesant M, Jais P, Cochet H. Preoperative personalization of atrial fibrillation ablation strategy to prevent esophageal injury: Impact of changes in esophageal position - Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 302(3): 566-567, March 2022
Leitão J, Burckhardt M, Vuilleumier P. Amygdala in Action: Functional Connectivity during Approach and Avoidance Behaviors - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34(5): 729-747, March 2022
Stuber M. CATCH the Wave of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque MRI - Radiology, 302(3): 566-567, March 2022
Pool E, Munoz Tord D, Delplanque S, Stussi Y, Cereghetti, Vuilleumier P, Sander D. Differential contributions of ventral striatum subregions to the motivational and hedonic components of the affective processing of reward - The Journal of Neuroscience, 42(13): 2716-2728, March 2022
Duran-Trio L, Fernandes-Pires G, Grosse J, Soro-Arnaiz I, Roux-Petronelli C, Binz PA, De Bock K, Cudalbu C, Sandi C, Braissant O. Creatine transporter–deficient rat model shows motor dysfunction, cerebellar alterations, and muscle creatine deficiency without muscle atrophy - Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 45(2): 278-291, March 2022
Gariani K, Klauser A, Vargas MI, Lazeyras F, Tran C. New insight in hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome by magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy - Brain Sciences, 12: 389, March 2022
Sima DM, Bach Cuadra M, Dyrby TB, Van Leemput K. Computational Neuroimage analysis tools for brain (diseases) biomarkers - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16: , February 2022
Jünemann K, Marie D, Worschech F, Scholz DS, Grouiller F, Kliegel M, Van De Ville D, James CE, Krüger THC, Altenmüller E, Sinke C. Six months of piano training in healthy elderly stabilizes white matter microstructure in the fornix, compared to an active control group - Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14: 817889, February 2022
Bourgeois A, Sterpenich V, Iannotti GR, Vuilleumier P. Reward-driven modulation of spatial attention in the human frontal eye-field - NeuroImage, 79(11): 1165-74, February 2022
Rowald A, Komi S, Demesmaeker R, Baaklini E, Hernandez-Charpak SD, Paoles E, Montanaro H, Cassara A, Becce F, Lloyd B, Newton T, Ravier J, Kinany N, D’Ercole M, Paley A, Hankov N, Varescon C, McCracken L, Vat M, Caban M, Watrin A, Jacquet C, Bole-Feysot L, Harte C, Lorach H, Galvez A, Tschopp M, Herrmann N, Wacker M, Geernaert L, Fodor I, Radevich V, Van Den Keybus K, Eberle G, Pralong E, Roulet M, Ledoux JB, Fornari E, Mandija S, Mattera L, Martuzzi R, Nazarian B, Benkler S, Callegari S, Greiner N, Fuhrer B, Froeling M, Buse N, Denison T, Buschman R, Wende C, Ganty D, Bakker J, Delattre V, Lambert H, Minassian K, van den Berg CAT, Kavounoudias A, Micera S, Van De Ville D, Barraud Q, Kurt E, Kuster N, Neufeld E, Capogrosso M, Asboth L, Wagner FB, Bloch J, Courtine G. Activity-dependent spinal cord neuromodulation rapidly restores trunk and leg motor functions after complete paralysis - Nature Medicine, 28: 260–271, February 2022
De Matos R, Gheata A, Campargue G, Vuilleumier J, Nicolle L, Pierzchala K, Jelescu I, Lucarini F, Gautschi I, Riporto F, Le Dantec R, Mugnier Y, Chauvin AS, Mazzanti M, Staedler D, Diviani D, Bonacina L, Gerber-Lemaire S. Gd3+-functionalized lithium niobate nanoparticles for dual multiphoton and magnetic resonance bioimaging - ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5: 2912-2922, February 2022
Menétrey MQ, Mohammadi G, Leitão J, Vuilleumier P. Emotion recognition in a multi-componential framework: The role of physiology - Frontiers Computer Science, 79(11): 1165-74, January 2022
Moyne M, Legendre G, Arnal L, Kumar S, Sterpenich V, Seeck M, Grandjean D, Schwartz S, Vuilleumier P, Domínguez-Borràs J. Brain reactivity to emotion persists in NREM sleep and is associated with individual dream recall - Cerebral Cortex Communications, 3(1): tgac003, January 2022
Pierzchala K, Simicic D, Sienkiewicz A, D Sessa D, Mitrea S, Braissant O, McLin VA, Gruetter R, Cudalbu C. Central nervous system and systemic oxidative stress interplay with inflammation in a bile duct ligation rat model of type C hepatic encephalopathy. - Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 178: 295-307, January 2022
Yacoub B, Stroud RE, Piccini D, Schoepf UJ, Heerfordt J, Yerly J, Di Sopra L, Rollins JD, Turner DA, Emrich T, Xiong F, Suranyi P, Varga‑Szemes A. Measurement accuracy of prototype non‑contrast, compressed sensing‑based, respiratory motion‑resolved whole heart cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography for the assessment of thoracic aortic dilatation: comparison with computed tomography angiography - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 23(7): , December 2021
Bustin A, Sridi S, Gravinay P, Legghe B, Gosse P, Ouattara A, Roz´e H, Coste P, Gerbaud E, Desclaux A, Boyer A, Prevel R, Gruson D, Bonnet F, Issa N, Montaudon M, Laurent F, Stuber M, Camou F, Cochet H. High-resolution Free-breathing late gadolinium enhancement Cardiovascular magnetic resonance to diagnose myocardial injuries following COVID-19 infection - European Journal of Radiology, 144: 109960, November 2021
Bonanno G, Weiss RG, Piccini D, Yerly J, Soleimani S, Pan L, Bi X, Hays AG, Stuber M, Schär M. Volumetric coronary endothelial function assessment: a feasibility study exploiting stack‐of‐stars 3D cine MRI and image‐based respiratory self‐gating - NMR in Biomedicine, 34(11): e4589, November 2021
Bustin A, Toupin S, Sridi S, Yerly J, Bernus O, Labrousse L, Quesson B, Rogier J, Haïssaguerre M, van Heeswijk R, Jaïs P, Cochet H, Stuber M. Endogenous assessment of myocardial injury with single-shot model-based non-rigid motion-corrected T1 rho mapping - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 23(119): , October 2021
Falcão MBL, Di Sopra L, Ma L, Bacher M, Yerly J, Speier P, Rutz T, Prša M, Markl M, Stuber M, Roy CW. Pilot tone navigation for respiratory and cardiac motion-resolved free-running 5D flow MRI - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 87(2): , October 2021
Kebiri H, Lajous H, Yasser Aleman-Gomez Y, Girard G, Canales Rodriguez E, Tourbier S, Pizzolato M, Ledoux JB, Fornari E, Jakab A, Bach Cuadra M. Quantitative evaluation of enhanced multi-plane clinical fetal diffusion MRI with a crossing-fiber phantom - 12th International Workshop, CDMRI 2021, 13006: 12-22, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Klauser A, Klauser P, Grouiller F, Courvoisier S, Lazeyras F. Whole-brain high-resolution metabolite mapping with 3D compressed-sensing SENSE low-rank 1H FID-MRSI - NMR in Biomedicine, : e4615, October 2021
Dorniak K, Di Sopra L, Sabisz A, Glinska A, Roy CW, Gorczewski K, Piccini D, Yerly J, Jankowska H, Fijałkowska J, Szurowska E, Stuber M, van Heeswijk RB. Respiratory motion-registered isotropic whole-Heart T2 mapping in patients with acute non-ischemic myocardial injury - Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8(712383): , September 2021
Kathe C, Michoud F, Schönle P, Rowald A, Brun N, Ravier J, Furfaro I, Paggi V, Kim K, Soloukey S, Asboth L, Hutson TH, Jelescu I, Philippides A, Alwahab N, Gandar J, Huber D, De Zeeuw CI, Barraud Q, Huang Q, Lacour SP, Courtine G. Wireless closed-loop optogenetics across the entire dorsoventral spinal cord in mice - Nature Biotechnology, : 1087-0156, September 2021
Lajous H, Hilbert T, Roy CW, Tourbier S, de Dumast P, Alemán-Gómez Y, Yu T, Kebiri H, Ledoux JB, Hagmann P, Meuli R, Dunet V, Koob M, Stuber M, Kober T, Bach Cuadra M. Simulated Half-Fourier Acquisitions Single-shot Turbo spin Echo (HASTE) of the fetal brain: application to super-resolution reconstruction - Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, and Perinatal Imaging, Placental and Preterm Image Analysis. UNSURE 2021, PIPPI 2021, 12959: 157-167, Strasbourg, France, September 2021
Flatt E, McLin VA, Olivier Braissant O, Pierzchala K, Mastromarino P, Mitrea SO, Sessa D, Gruetter R, Cudalbu C. Probiotics combined with rifaximin influence the neurometabolic changes in a rat model of type C HE - Scientific Reports, 11(1): 17988, September 2021
Da Costa S, Clément J, Gruetter R, Ipek O. Evaluation of the whole auditory pathway using high-resolution and functional MRI at 7T parallel-transmit - PLoS One, 16: e0254378, September 2021
Regnaud A, Boto J, Klauser A, Lövblad KO, Vargas MI, Lazeyras F. Metabolic changes in the cingulate gyrus, precuneus, and white matter in anorexia nervosa using multivoxel MR spectroscopy - Journal of Neuroimaging, : 1-12, August 2021
Askin Incebacak NC, Sui Y, Gui Levy L, Merlini L, Sa de Almeida J, Courvoisier S, Wallace TE, Klauser A, Afacan O, Warfield SK, Hüppi P, Lazeyras F. Super-resolution reconstruction of T2-weighted thick-slice neonatal brain MRI scans - Journal of Neuroimaging, 1: 12, August 2021
Antiochos P, Ge Y, Heydari B, Steel K, Bingham S, Abdullah SM, Mikolich JR, Arai AE, Bandettini WP, Patel AR, Farzaneh-Far A, Heitner JF, Shenoy C, Leung SW, Gonzalez JA, Shah DJ, Raman SV, Ferrari VA, Schulz-Menger J, Stuber M, Simonetti OP, Kwong RY. Prognostic value of stress cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with known coronary artery disease - JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15(1): 60-71, August 2021
Klauser A, Strassera B, Thapaa B, Lazeyras F, Andronesi O. Achieving high-resolution 1H-MRSI of the human brain with compressed-sensing and low-rank reconstruction at 7 Tesla - Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 331(2021): 107048, August 2021
Cudalbu C, Bady P, Lai M, Xin L, Gusyatiner O, Hamou MF, Lepore M, Brouland JP, Daniel RT, Hottinger AF, Hegi ME. Metabolic and transcriptomic profiles of glioblastoma invasion revealed by comparisons between patients and corresponding orthotopic xenografts in mice - Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 9: 133, August 2021
Heerfordt J, Whitehead KK, Bastiaansen JAM, Di Sopra L, Roy CW, Yerly J, Milani B, Fogel MA, Stuber M, Piccini D. Similarity-driven multi-dimensional binning algorithm (SIMBA) for free-running motion-suppressed whole-heart MRA - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 86(1): 213–229, July 2021
Ma L, Yerly J, Di Sopra L, Piccini D, Lee J, DiCarlo A, Passman R, Greenland P, Kim D, Stuber M, Markl M. Using 5D flow MRI to decode the effects of rhythm on left atrial 3D flow dynamics in patients with atrial fibrillation - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 85(6): 3125-3139, June 2021
Flatt E, Lanz B, Pilloud Y, Capozzi A, Hauge Lerche M, Gruetter R, Mishkovsky M. Measuring Glycolytic Activity with Hyperpolarized [2H7, U-13C6] D-Glucose in the Naive Mouse Brain under Different Anesthetic Conditions - Metabolites, 11(7): 413, June 2021
Simicic D, Rackayova V, Xin L, Tkáč I, Borbath T, Starcuk Z, Starcukova J, Lanz B, Cudalbu C. In vivo macromolecule signals in rat brain 1H-MR spectra at 9.4T: Parametrization, spline baseline estimation, and T2 relaxation times - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 00: 1-18, June 2021
Wenz D, Gruetter R. Dipole-fed rectangular dielectric resonator antennas for magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T: The impact of quasi-transverse electric modes on transmit field distribution - Frontiers in Physics, 9: 675509, June 2021
Dwir D, Cabungcal JH, Xin L, Giangreco B, Parietti E, Cleusix M, Jenni R, Klauser P, Conus P, Cuénod M, Steullet P, Do KQ. Timely N-acetyl-cysteine and environmental enrichment rescue oxidative stress-induced parvalbumin interneuron impairments via MMP9/RAGE pathway: A translational approach for early intervention in psychosis - Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(6): 1782-1794, June 2021
Yoo J, Jin KH, Gupta H, Yerly J, Stuber M, Unser M. Time-dependent deep image prior for dynamic MRI - IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40(12): 3337 - 3348, May 2021
Nussbaumer C, Bouchardy J, Blanche C, Piccini D, Pavon AG, Monney P, Stuber M, SchwitterJ, Rutz T. 2D cine vs. 3D self‑navigated free‑breathing high‑resolution whole heart cardiovascular magnetic resonance for aortic root measurements in congenital heart disease - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 23(2021): 65, May 2021
Ribaldi F, Chicherio C, Altomare D, Martins M, Tomczyk S, Jelescu I, Maturana E, Scheffler M, Haller S, Lövblad KO, Michela Pievani M, Garibotto V, Kliegel M, Frisoni GB. Brain connectivity and metacognition in persons with subjective cognitive decline (COSCODE): rationale and study design - Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 13: 105, May 2021
Lajous H, Hilbert T, Roy CW, Tourbier S, de Dumast P, Alemán-Gómez Y, Yu T, Hagmann P, Koob M, Dunet V, Kober T, Stuber M, Bach Cuadra M. A magnetic resonance imaging simulation framework of the developing fetal brain - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Simicic D, Mosso J, Lê TP, van Heeswijk RB, Jelescu I, Cudalbu C. The impact of Marchencko-Pasteur principal component analysis denoising on high-resolution MR spectroscopic imaging in the rat brain at 9.4T - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Mosso J, Valette J, Pierzchala K, Simicic D, Jelescu I, Cudalbu C. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the cerebellum of a rat model of hepatic encephalopathy at 14.1T - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Simicic D, Pierzchala K, Braissant O, Mitrea SO, Sessa D, McLin V, Cudalbu C. Protective role of Creatine in chronic hepatic encephalopathy developing brain: in vivolongitudinal H and P-MRS study - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Jelescu I, Novikov DS. What can a rat tell about physics beyond Standard Model: Exchange or structural disorder? - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Pievani M, Jelescu I, Jorge J, Reynaud O, Ribaldi F, Garibotto V, Frisoni GB, Jovicich J. In vivo mapping of human locus coeruleus functional connectivity at 7T: a feasibility study - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Olszowy W, Jelescu I. Beyond BOLD: in search of genuine diffusion fMRI contrast in human brain - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Wachsmuth L, Mensen A, Barca C, Wiart M, Tristão-Pereira C, Busato A, Waicyies S, Himmelreich U, Millward JM, Reimann HM, Jelescu I, Marzola P, Pradier B, Viola A, Faber C. Contribution of preclinical MRI to responsible animal research: living up to the 3R principle - Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 34: 469–474, May 2021
Klauser A, Strasser B, Bogner W, Hingerl L, Schirda C, Thapa B, Cahill D, Batchelor T, Lazeyras F, Andronesi O. ECcentric Circle ENcoding TRajectorIes for Compressed-sensing (ECCENTRIC): A fully random non-Cartesian sparse Fourier domain sampling for MRSI at 7 Tesla - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021