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Kapralov N., Jamshidi Idaji M., Stephani T., Studenova A., Vidaurre C., Ros T., Villringer A., Nikulin V.. Sensorimotor brain–computer interface performance depends on signal-to-noise ratio but not connectivity of the mu rhythm in a multiverse analysis of longitudinal data - Journal of Neural Engineering, 21(5): , 8 October 2024
Deiber M-P., Pointet Perizzolo V. C.,Moser D. A., Vital M., Rusconi Serpa S., Ros T., Schechter D. S.. A biomarker of brain arousal mediates the intergenerational link between maternal and child post-traumatic stress disorder - Journal of Psychiatric Research, 177: 305-313, 23 July 2024
Armen Bagdasarov A., Denis Brunet D., Michel C. M., Gaffrey M. S.. Microstate Analysis of Continuous Infant EEG: Tutorial and Reliability - Brain Topography, 37: 496-513, 02 March 2024
Pelentritou A., Pfeiffer C., Schwartz S., De Lucia M.. Cardio-audio synchronization elicits neural and cardiac surprise responses in human wakefulness and sleep - Communications Biology, 7(226): , 23 February 2024
Nan W., Yang W., Gong A., Cohen Kadosh R., Ros T., Fu Y., Wan F.. Successful learning of alpha up-regulation through neurofeedback training modulates sustained attention - Neuropsychologia, 195: , 22 January 2024
Kaiser A., Aggensteiner P. M., Blasco Fontecilla H., Ros T., Acquaviva E., Attal Y., Banaschewski T., Baumeister S., Bousquet E., Bussalb A., Delhaye M., Delorme R., Drechsler R., Goujon A., Häge A., Mayaud L., Mechler K., Menache C., Revol O., Tagwerker F., Walitza S., Werling A. M., Bioulac S, Purper-Ouakil D., Brandeis D.. Limited usefulness of neurocognitive functioning indices as predictive markers for treatment response to methylphenidate or neurofeedback@home in children and adolescents with ADHD - Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14: , 12 January 2024
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Bagdasarov A., Roberts K., Brunet D., Michel C. M., Gaffrey M. S.. Exploring the Association Between EEG Microstates During Resting State and Error-Related Activity in Young Children - Brain Topography, 37: 552-570, 23 December 2023
Nicholson AA, Densmore M, Frewen PA, Neufeld RWJ, Théberge J, Jetly R, Lanius RA, Ros T. Homeostatic normalization of alpha brain rhythms within the default-mode network and reduced symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder following a randomized controlled trial of electroencephalogram neurofeedback - Brain Commun, : , March 2023
Deiber M-P., Piguet C., Berchio C., Michel C. M., Perroud N., Ros T.. Resting‑State EEG Microstates and Power Spectrum in Borderline Personality Disorder: A High‑Density EEG Study - Brain Topography, 37: 397-409, 30 September 2023
Deiber MP, Piguet C, Berchio C, Michel CM, Perroud N, Ros T.. Resting-State EEG Microstates and Power Spectrum in Borderline Personality Disorder: A High-Density EEG Study - Brain Topography, : 1-13, September 2023
Rué-Queralt J, Mancini V, Rochas V, Latrèche C, Uhlhaas PJ, Michel CM, Plomp, G, Eliez S, Hagmann P. The coupling between the spatial and temporal scales of neural processes revealed by a joint time-vertex connectome spectral analysis - Neuroimage, 280: 120337, August 2023
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Artoni F, Maillard J, Britz J, Brunet D, Lysakowski C , Tramèr MR, Michel CM. Microsynt: exploring the syntax of EEG microstates - NeuroImage, : 120196, June 2023
Franceschiello B , Rumac S , Hilbert T , Nau M , Dziadosz M , Degano G , Roy CW , Gaglianese A , Petri G , Yerly J , Stuber M , Kober T , van Heeswijk RB , Murray MM , Fornari E. Hi-Fi fMRI: High-resolution, fast-sampled and sub-second whole-brain functional MRI at 3T in humans - bioRxiv preprint, 23: 220, May 2023
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Lesniara-Stachon A, Quansah DY, Schenk S, Retsa C, Halter RJ, Murray MM, Lacroix A, Horsch A, Toepel U, Puder JJ. Brain responses to food viewing in women during pregnancy and post partum and their relationship with metabolic health: study protocol for the FOODY Brain Study, a prospective observational study - BMJ Open, 13(4): e067013, April 2023
Nicholson A A, Densmore M, Frewen P A, Neufeld R W J , Théberge J, Jetly R, Lanius R A, Ros T. Homeostatic normalization of alpha brain rhythms within the default-mode network and reduced symptoms in PTSD following a randomized controlled trial of EEG neurofeedback - Brain Communications, : , March 2023
Khadimallah I, Jenni R, Cabungcal JH, Cleusix M, Fournier M, Klauser P, Knebel JF, Murray MM, Retsa C, Siciliano M, Spencer KM, Steullet P, Cuenod M, Conus P, Do KQ. Plasticity changes in central auditory systems of school-age children following a brief training with a remote microphone system - Ear and Hearing, : , January 2023
Shaw SB, Nicholson AA, Ros T, Harricharan S, Terpou B, Densmore M, Theberge J, Frewen P, Lanius RA. Increased top-down control of emotions during symptom provocation working memory tasks following anRCT of alpha-down neurofeedback in PTSD. Neuroimage Clin. 2023 Jan 3; 37:103313. Shaw SB, Nicholson AA, Ros T, Harricharan S, Terpou B, Densmore M, Theberge J, Frewen P, Lanius RA. Increased top-down control of emotions during symptom provocation working memory tasks following a RCT of alpha-down neurofeedback in PTSD - NeuroImage: Clinical, 37: 103313, January 2023
Notter MP*, Herholz P*, Da Costa S, Gulban OF, Isik AI, Gaglianese A, Murray MM. fMRIflows: A consortium of fully automatic Univariate and Multivariate fMRI processing pipelines - , 36(2): 172 - 191, December 2022
Khadimallah I, Jenni R, Cabungcal JH, Cleusix M, Fournier M, Klauser P, Knebel JF, Murray MM, Retsa C, Siciliano M, Spencer KM, Steullet P, Cuenod M, Conus P, Do KQ. Mitochondria, exosomes and gamma synchrony as biomarkers of parvalbumin interneurons and cognitive impairment in schizophrenia - Molecular Psychiatry, 27(2): 1192-1204, December 2022
Layer N, Weglage A, Müller V, Meister H, Lang-Roth R, Walger M, Murray MM, Sandmann P. Electrophysiological differences and similarities in audiovisual speech processing in CI users with unilateral and bilateral hearing loss - Current Research in Neurobiology, 3: 100059, November 2022
Bagdasarova A, Bréchet L, Brunet D, Michel CM, Gaffreya MS. Spatiotemporal dynamics of EEG microstates in four- to eight-year-old children: Age- and sex-related effects - Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 57: 101134, October 2022
Artoni F, Maillard J, Britz J, Seeber M, Lysakowski C, Bréchet L, Tramèr MR, Michel CM. Pycrostates: a Python library to study EEG microstates - Journal of Open Source Software, 7(78): 4564, October 2022
Kvamme TL, Ros T, Overgaard M. Can neurofeedback provide evidence of direct brain-behavior causality? - NeuroImage, 258: 119400, September 2022
Mancini V, Rochas V, Seeber M, Grent-‘t-Jong T, Rihs TA, Latrèche C, Uhlhaas PJ, Michel CM, Eliez S. Oscillatory neural signatures of visual perception across developmental stages in individuals - Biological Psychiatry, 92(5): 407-418, September2022
Mancini V, Rochas V, Seeber M, Uhlhaas PJ, Michel CM, Eliez S. Oscillatory neural signatures of visual perception across developmental stages in individual with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - Biological Psychiatry, 92(5): 407-418, September 2022
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Terpou BA, Shaw SB, Theberge J, Ferat V, Michel CM, McKinnon MC, Lanius RA, Ros T. Spectral decomposition of EEG microstates in post-traumatic stress disorder - NeuroImage: Clinical, 35: 10315, August 2022
Saj A, Pierce JE, Ronchi R, Ros T, Thomasson M, Bernati T, Van De Ville D, Serino A, Vuilleumier P. Real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback: A perspective on applications forthe rehabilitation of spatial neglect - Science Direct, 64(2021): 101561, July 2021
Tivadar RI, Arnold RC, Turoman N, Knebel JF, Murray MM. Digital haptics improve speed of visual search performance in a dual-task setting - Scientific Reports, 12(1): 9728, June 2022
Andriot T, Ohnmacht P, Vuilleumier P, Thorens G, Khazaal Y, Ginovart N, Ros T. Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of cannabis use disorder - Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 22(6): 1421–1431, June 2022
Franceschiello B, Di Noto T, Bourgeois A, Murray MM, Minier A, Pouget P, Richiardi J, Bartolomeo P, Anselmi F. Machine learning algorithms on eye tracking trajectories to classify patients with spatial neglect - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 221: 106929, June 2022
Mauriello C, Pham E, Kumar S, Piguet C, Deiber MP, Aubry JM, Dayer A, Michel CM, Perroud N, Berchio C. Dysfunctional temporal stages of eye-gaze perception in adults with ADHD: A high-density EEG study - Biological Psychology, 171: 108351, May 2022
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Roehri N, Bréchet L, Seeber M, Pascual-Leone A, Michel CM. Phase-Amplitude Coupling and Phase Synchronization Between Medial Temporal, Frontal and Posterior Brain Regions Support Episodic Autobiographical Memory Recall - Brain Topography, 35(2): 191-206, March 2022
Artoni F, Maillard J, Britz J, Seeber M, Lysakowski C, Bréchet L, Tramèr MR, Michel CM. EEG microstate dynamics indicate a U-shaped path to propofol-induced loss of consciousness - Neuroimage, 256: 119156, March 2022
Férat V, Seeber M, Michel CM, Ros T. Beyond broadband: Towards a spectral decomposition of electroencephalography microstates - Human Brain Mapping, 43(10): 3047 - 3061, March 2022
Guex R, Ros T, Mégevand P, Spinelli L, Seeck M, Vuilleumier P, Domínguez- Borràs J. Prestimulus amygdala spectral activity is associated with visual face awareness - Cerebral Cortex, 33(4): 1044 - 1057, March 2022
Layer N, Weglage A, Müller V, Meister H, Lang-Roth R, Walger M, Murray MM, Sandmann P. The timecourse of multisensory speech processing in unilaterally stimulated cochlear implant users revealed by ERPs - NeuroImage, 34: 102982, March 2022
Mancini V, Rochas V, Seeber M, Roehri N, Rihs TA, Ferat V, Schneider M, Uhlhaas PJ, Eliez S, Michel CM. Aberrant developmental patterns of gamma-band response and long-range communication disruption in youths with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - American Journal of Psychiatry, 179(3): 204-215, March 2022
Ros T, Michela A, Mayer A, Bellmann A, Vuadens P, Zermatten V, Saj A, Vuilleumier P. Disruption of large-scale electrophysiological networks in stroke patients with visuospatial neglect - Network Neuroscience, 6(1): 69-89, February 2022
Purper‐Ouakil D, Blasco‐Fontecilla H, Ros T, Acquaviva E, Banaschewski T, Baumeister S, Bousquet E, Bussalb A, Delhaye M, Delorme R, Drechsler A, Goujon R, Häge A, Kaiser A, Mayaud L, Mechler K, Menache C, Revol O, Tagwerker F, Walitza S, Werling AM, Bioulac S, Brandeis D. Personalized at-home neurofeedback compared to long-acting methylphenidate in children with ADHD: NEWROFEED, a European randomized noninferiority trial - The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(2): 187-198, February 2022
Franceschiello B, Lefebvre J, Murray MM, Glomb K. A roadmap for computational modelling of M/EEG - Brain Topography, 35: 1-3, January 2022
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Micoulaud-Franchi JA, Jeunet C, Pelissolo A, Ros T. EEG Neurofeedback for Anxiety Disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders: A Blueprint for a Promising Brain-Based Therapy - Current Psychiatry Reports, 23(84): , October 2021
Khadimallah I, Jenni R, Cabungcal JH, Cleusix M, Fournier M, Beard E, Klauser P, Knebel JF, Murray MM, Retsa C, Siciliano M, Spencer KM, Steullet P, Cuenod M, Conus P, Do KQ. Mitochondrial, exosomal miR137-COX6A2 and gamma synchrony as biomarkers of parvalbumin interneurons, psychopathology, and neurocognition in schizophrenia - Molecular Psychiatry, : , October 2021