AUTHORS: Wachsmuth L, Mensen A, Barca C, Wiart M, Tristão-Pereira C, Busato A, Waicyies S, Himmelreich U, Millward JM, Reimann HM, Jelescu I, Marzola P, Pradier B, Viola A, Faber C

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 34: 469–474, May 2021


The contribution of preclinical MRI in advancing 3R efforts in the life sciences is undoubtedly a hot area of discussion. For this reason, the 2nd ESMRMB preclinical MRI day “Frontiers in Preclinical MRI” on September 30, 2020 was included in the program of the online Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB and was focused on animal welfare. A dedicated two-hour session: “Living up to the 3R principle—Contribution of preclinical MRI” provided the forum for discussion about contributions of preclinical MRI to the 3R efforts in the life sciences. After setting the stage with a 30-min introductory lecture about the 3R principle by Armand Mensen from the Swiss 3R Competence Centre, nine selected contributions that were received in response to a Europe-wide call on the topic, provided insight into capabilities of MRI, its current use and shortcomings that must be addressed in the future.

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