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Boccalini C., Dodich A., Scheffler M., Laganà V., Fratto E., Frisoni G. B., Bruni A. C., Colao R., Perani D., Garibotto V.. In Vivo Tau and Neurodegeneration Imaging in a Family With the Presenilin 1 Met146Leu Pathogenic Variant - Neurology, 103(13): , 24 December 2024

Collij L. E., Bollack A., La Joie R., Shekari M., Bullich S., Roé-Vellvé N., Koglin N., Jovalekic A., Garciá D. V., Drzezga A., Garibotto V., Stephens A. W., Battle M., Buckley C., Barkhof F., Farrar G., Gispert J. D.. Centiloid recommendations for clinical context-of-use from the AMYPAD consortium - Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20(12): 9037-9048, 20 November 2024

Pievani M., Ribaldi F., Toussas K., Da Costa S., Jorge J., Reynaud O., Chicherio C., Blouin J. L., Scheffler M., Garibotto V., Jovicich J., Jelescu I. O., Frisoni G. B.. Resting-state functional connectivity abnormalities in subjective cognitive decline: A 7T MRI study - Neurobiology of Aging, 144: 104-113, 20 September 2024

Stampacchia S., Asadi S., Tomczyk S., Ribaldi F., Scheffler M., Lövblad K. O., Pievani M., Fall A. B., Preti M. G., Unschuld P. G., Van De Ville D., Blanke O., Frisoni G. B., Garibotto V., Amico E.. Fingerprints of brain disease: connectome identifiability in Alzheimer’s disease - Communications Biology, 7: 1169, 18 September 2024

Goldman J. P., Jané P., Zaghir J., Pirazzo Andrade Teixeira E., Peretti D. E., Garibotto V., Lovis C.. Automatic Classification of Conclusions from Multi-Tracer Reports of PET Brain Imaging in Cognitive Impairment - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 316: 560-564, 22 August 2024

Tournier B. B., Ceyzériat K., Badina A. M., Gloria Y., Fall A. B., Amossé Q., Tsartsalis S., Millet P.. Impairment of hippocampal astrocyte-mediated striatal dopamine release and locomotion in Alzheimer’s disease - NeuroImage, 298: , 8 August 2024

Ceyzériat K., Badina A. M., Petrelli F., Montessuit S., Nicolaides A., Millet P., Savioz A., Martinou J-C., Tournier B. B.. Inhibition of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier in astrocytes reduces amyloid and tau accumulation in the 3xTgAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease - Neurobiology of Disease, 200: 106623, 7 August 2024

Mansouri Z., Salimi Y., Hajianfar G., Wolf N. B., Knappe L., Xhepa G., Gleyzolle A., Ricoeur A., Garibotto V., Mainta I., Zaidi H.. The role of biomarkers and dosimetry parameters in overall and progression free survival prediction for patients treated with personalized 90Y glass microspheres SIRT: a preliminary machine learning study - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 51(13): 4111-4126, 09 July 2024

Peretti D. E., Boccalini C., Ribaldi F., Scheffler M., Marizzoni M., Ashton N. J., Zetterberg H., Blennow K., Frisoni G. B., Garibotto V.. Association of glial fibrillary acid protein, Alzheimer’s disease pathology and cognitive decline - Brain, 147(12): 4094-4104, 28 June 2024

Sanaat A., Boccalini C., Mathoux G., Perani D., Frisoni G. B., Haller S., Montandon M. L., Rodriguez C., Giannakopoulos P., Garibotto V., Zaidi H.. A deep learning model for generating [18F]FDG PET Images from early-phase [18F]Florbetapir and [18F]Flutemetamol PET images - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 51(12): 3518-3531, 11 June 2024

Groot C., Smith R., Collij L. E., Mastenbroek S. E., Stomrud E., Binette A. P., Leuzy A., Palmqvist S., Mattsson-Carlgren N., Strandberg O., Cho H., Lyoo C. H., Frisoni G. B., Peretti D. E., Garibotto V., La Joie R., Soleimani-Meigooni D. N., Rabinovici G., Ossenkoppele R., Hansson O.. Tau Positron Emission Tomography for Predicting Dementia in Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment - JAMA Neurology, 81(8): 845-856, 10 June 2024

Ribaldi F., Palomo R., Altomare D., Scheffler M., Assal F., Ashton N. J., Zetterberg H., Blennow K., Abramowicz M., Garibotto V., Chicherio C., Frisoni G. B.. The Taxonomy of Subjective Cognitive Decline: Proposal and First Clinical Evidence from the Geneva Memory Clinic Cohort - Neurodegenerative Diseases, 24(1): 16–25, 22 May 2024

Mendes A. J., Ribaldi F., Lathuiliere A., Ashton N. J., Zetterberg H., Abramowicz M., Scheffler M., Assal F., Garibotto V., Blennow K., Frisoni G. B.. Comparison of plasma and neuroimaging biomarkers to predict cognitive decline in non-demented memory clinic patients - Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 16: 110, 16 May 2024

Nencha U., Rigoni I., Ribaldi F., Altomare D., Seeck M., Garibotto V., Vulliémoz S., Frisoni G. B.. Alterations in gamma frequency oscillations correlate with cortical tau deposition in Alzheimer’s disease - Neurobiology of Aging, 139: 1-4, 3 April 2024

Boccalini C., Caminiti S. P., Chiti A., Frisoni G. B., Garibotto V., Perani D., Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.. The diagnostic and prognostic value of tau-PET in amnestic MCI with different FDG-PET subtypes - Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 11(5): 1236-1249, 29 March 2024

Ceyzériat K., Jaques E., Gloria Y., Badina A., Millet P., Koutsouvelis N., Dipasquale G., Frisoni G. B., Zilli T., Garibotto V., Tournier B. B.. Low-Dose Radiation Therapy Impacts Microglial Inflammatory Response without Modulating Amyloid Load in Female TgF344-AD Rats - Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 98(3): 1001-1016, 12 March 2024

Frisoni G. B., Festari C., Massa F., Cotta Ramusino M., Orini S., Aarsland D., Agosta F., Babiloni C., Borroni B., Cappa S. F., Frederiksen K. S., Froelich L., Garibotto V. Haliassos A., Jessen F., Kamondi A., Kessels R. P., Morbelli S. D., O'Brien J. T., Otto M., Perret-Liaudet A., Pizzini F. B., Vandenbulcke M., Vanninen R., Verhey F., Vernooij M. W., Yousry T., Boada Rovira M., Dubois B., Georges J., Hansson O., Ritchie C. W., Scheltens P., van der Flier W. M,. Nobili F.. European intersocietal recommendations for the biomarker-based diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders - Lancet Neurology, 23(3): 302-312, March 2024

Caminiti S. P,. Galli A., Jonghi-Lavarini L., Boccalini C., Nicastro N., Chiti A., Garibotto V., Perani D.. Mapping brain metabolism, connectivity and neurotransmitters topography in early and late onset dementia with lewy bodies - Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 122: 106061, 2 March 2024

Hönig M., Altomare D., Caprioglio C., Collij L., Barkhof F., Van Berckel B., Scheltens P., Farrar G., Battle M. R., Theis H., Giehl K., Bischof G. N., Garibotto V., Molinuevo J. L. L., Grau-Rivera O., Delrieu J., Payoux P., Demonet J. F., Nordberg A. K., Savitcheva I., Walker Z., Edison P., Stephens A. W., Gismondi R., Jessen F., Buckley C. J., Gispert J. D., Frisoni G. B., Drzezga A., AMYPAD Consortium.. Association Between Years of Education and Amyloid Burden in Patients With Subjective Cognitive Decline, MCI, and Alzheimer Disease - Neurology, 102(6): , 20 February 2024

Mendes A. J., Ribaldi F., Lathuiliere A., Ashton N. J., Janelidze S., Zetterberg H., Scheffler M., Assal F., Garibotto V., Blennow K., Hansson O., Frisoni G. B.. Head-to-head study of diagnostic accuracy of plasma and cerebrospinal fluid p-tau217 versus p-tau181 and p-tau231 in a memory clinic cohort - Journal of Neurology, 271(4): 2053-2066, 09 January 2024

Mathoux G., Boccalini C., Peretti D. E., Arnone A., Ribaldi F., Scheffler M., Frisoni G. B., Garibotto V.. A comparison of visual assessment and semi-quantification for the diagnostic and prognostic use of [18F]flortaucipir PET in a memory clinic cohort - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 51(6): 1639-1650, 6 January 2024

Mainta I. C., Neroladaki A., Wolf N. B., Benamran D., Boudabbous S., Zilli T., Garibotto V.. [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET and Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases: Diagnostic Performance of Available Standardized Criteria - Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 65(9): 1376-1382, 3 September 2024

Caminiti SP, Boccalini C, Nicastro N, Garibotto V, Perani D. Sex differences in dementia with Lewy bodies: an imaging study of neurotransmission pathways - , : , February 2023

Caminiti SP, Boccalini C, Nicastro N, Garibotto V, Perani D. Sex differences in brain metabolic connectivity architecture in probable dementia with Lewy bodies - Neurobiology of Aging, 126: 14-24, February 2023

Caprioglio C, Ribaldi F, Visser LNC, Minguillon C, Collij LE, Grau-Rivera O, Zeyen P, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD, Garibotto V, Moro C, Walker Z, Edison P, Demonet JF, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, Alves IL, Gismondi R, Farrar G, Stephens AW, Jessen F, Frisoni GB, Altomare D. Analysis of psychological symptoms following disclosure of amyloid-positron emission tomography imaging results to adults with subjective cognitive decline - , 6(1): e2250921, January 2023

Ceyzériat K, Zilli T, Millet P, Koutsouvelis N, Dipasquale G, Fossey C, Cailly T, Fabis F, Frisoni GB, Garibotto V, Tournier BB. Low-dose brain irradiation normalizes TSPO and CLUSTERIN levels and promotes the non-amyloidogenic pathway in pre-symptomatic TgF344-AD rats - J Neuroinflammation, 19(1): 311, December 2022

Boccalini C, Carli G, Vanoli EG, Cocco A, Albanese A, Garibotto V, Perani D. Manual and semi-automated approaches to MIBG myocardial scintigraphy in patients with Parkinson’s disease - , 9: 10737220, January 2023

Festari C, Massa F, Cotta Ramusino M, Gandolfo F, Nicolosi V, Orini S, Aarsland D, Agosta F, Babiloni C, Boada M, Borroni B. Cappa S, Dubois B, Frederiksen KS, Froelich L, Garibotto V, Georges J, Haliassos A, Hansson O, Jessen F, Kamondi A, Kessels RPC, Morbelli S, O’Brien JT, Otto M, Perret-Liaudet A, Pizzini FB, Ritchie CW, Scheltens P, Vandenbulcke M, Vanninen R, Verhey F, Vernooij MW, Yousry T, Van Der Flier WM, Nobili F, Frisoni GB. European consensus for the diagnosis of MCI and mild dementia: Preparatory phase - Alzheimer's & Dementia, : 1-13, October 2022

Treglia G, Piccardo A, Garibotto V. [18F] FDOPA positron emission tomography for cardiac innervation imaging: a new way or a dead-end street? - Clinical Autonomic Research, 32(6): 399-401, December 2022

Evangelista L, Pietrzak A, Ekmekcioglu O, Ovcaricek PP, Ambrosini V, Balogova S, Cunha L, Eccles A, Garibotto V, Lewington V, Israel O, Kunikowska J. Gender issues in the nuclear medicine community: results from a survey promoted by the EANM Women Empowerment Task Force - Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 9: 10737220, June 2022

Spiljar M, Steinbach K, Rigo D, Suárez-Zamorano N, Wagner I, Hadadi N, Vincenti I, Page N, Klimek B, Rochat MA, Kreutzfeldt M, Chevalier C, Stojanovic O, Bejuy O, Colin D, Mack M, Cansever D, Greter M, Merkler D, Trajkovski M. Cold exposure protects from neuroinflammation through immunologic reprogramming - Cell Metabolism, 33(11): 2231-2246.e8, November 2021

Bois F, Noirot C, Dietemann S, Mainta IC, Zilli T, Garibotto V, and Walter MA. [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 in prostate cancer: a comprehensive review - American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 10(6): 349-374, December 2020

Mirian C, Duun-Henriksen AK, Maier A, Møller Pedersen M, Rehné Jensen L, Bashir A, Graillon T, Hrachova M, Bota D, van Essen M, Spanjol P, Kreis C, Law I, Broholm H, Poulsgaard L, Fugleholm K, Ziebell M, Munch T, Walter MA, and Mathiesen T. Somatostatin receptor-targeted radiopeptide therapy in treatment-refractory meningioma: an individual patient data meta-analysis - Journal of Nuclear Medicine, : , August 2020

Pellegrin M, Bouzourène K, Aubert JF, Bielmann C, Gruetter R, Rosenblatt‑Velin N, Poitry‑Yamate C, Mazzolai L. Impact of aerobic exercise type on blood flow, muscle energy metabolism, and mitochondrial biogenesis in experimental lower extremity artery disease - Scientific Reports, 10(14048): , August 2020

Pellegrin M, Bouzourène K, Poitry-Yamate C, Mlynarik V, Feihl F, Aubert JF, Gruetter R, Mazzolai L. Experimental peripheral arterial disease: new insights into muscle glucose uptake, macrophage, and T-cell polarization during early and late stages - Physiological Reports, 2(2): e00234, February 2014

Lanz B, Poitry-Yamate C, Gruetter R. Image-derived input function from the vena cava for 18F-FDG PET studies in rats and mice - The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 55(8): 1380-1388, August 2014

Lai M, Lanz B, Poitry-Yamate C, Romero JF, Berset CM, Cudalbu C, Gruetter R. In vivo (13)C MRS in the mouse brain at 14.1 Tesla and metabolic flux quantification under infusion of [1,6-(13)C2]glucose - Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 38(10): 1701-1714, October 2018

Lai M, Vassallo I, Lanz B, Poitry-Yamate C, Hamou MF, Cudalbu C, Gruetter R, Hegi ME. In vivo characterization of brain metabolism by (1) H MRS, (13) C MRS and (18) FDG PET reveals significant glucose oxidation of invasively growing glioma cells - International Journal of Cancer, 143(1): 127-138, July 2018

Atashi F, André-Lévigne D, Colin DJ, Germain S, Pittet-Cuénod B, Modarressi A. Does non-activated platelet-rich plasma (PRP) enhance fat graft outcome? An assessment with 3D CT-scan in mice - Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 72(4): 669-675, April 2019

Zoetemelk M, Rausch M, Colin DJ, Dormond O, Nowak-Sliwinska P. Short-term 3D culture systems of various complexity for treatment optimization of colorectal carcinoma - Scientific Reports, 9(1): 7103, May 2019

Oldani G, Peloso A, Slits F, Gex Q, Delaune V, Orci LA, van de Looij Y, Colin DJ, Germain S, de Vito C, Rubbia-Brandt L, Lacotte S, Toso C. The impact of short-term machine perfusion on the risk of cancer recurrence after rat liver transplantation with donors after circulatory death - PLOS One, 14(11): , November 2019

Colin DJ, Bejuy O, Germain S, Triponez F, Serre-Beinier V. Implantation and Monitoring by PET/CT of an Orthotopic Model of Human Pleural Mesothelioma in Athymic Mice - Journal of Visualized Experiments, (154): , December 2019

Maas MO, Forrer F, Panje CM, Blautzik J, Brühlmeier M, Engel-Bizik I, Giovanella L, Haldemann A, Kamel ME, Kneifel S, Rottenburger C, Schaefer N, Walter MA, Weidner S, Putora PM. Variations in radioiodine ablation – decision making after total thyroidectomy - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 47(3): 554-560, March 2020

Prasad R, Zaidi H. A Cone-Shaped Phantom for Assessment of Small Animal PET Scatter Fraction and Count Rate Performance - Molecular Imaging and Biology, 14(5): 561-71, October 2012

Colin DJ, Cottet-Dumoulin D, Faivre A, Germain S, Triponez F, Serre-Beinier V. Experimental Model of Human Malignant Mesothelioma in Athymic Mice - International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(7): E1881, June 2018

Fabbiano S, Suárez-Zamorano N, Rigo D, Veyrat-Durebex C, Stevanovic Dokic A, Colin Didier J, Trajkovski M. Caloric Restriction Leads to Browning of White Adipose Tissue through Type 2 Immune Signaling - Cell Metabolism, 24(3): 434-446, September 2016

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D'Amato-Brito C, Cipriano D, Colin DJ, Germain S, Seimbille Y, Robert JH, Triponez F, Serre-Beinier V. Role of MIF/CD74 signaling pathway in the development of pleural mesothelioma - Oncotarget, 7(10): 11512-25, March 2016

Suarez-Zamorano N, Fabbiano S, Chevalier C, Stojanovic O, Colin DJ, Stevanovic A, Veyrat-Durebex C, Tarallo V, Rigo D, Germain S, Ilievska M, Montet X, Seimbille Y, Hapfelmeier S, Trajkovski M. Microbiota depletion promotes browning of white adipose tissue and reduces obesity - Nature Medicine, 21(12): 1497–1501, December 2015

Chevalier C, Stojanović O, Colin Didier J, Suarez-Zamorano N, Tarallo V, Veyrat-Durebex C, Rigo D, Fabbiano S, Stevanović A, Hagemann S, Montet X, Seimbille Y, Zamboni N, Hapfelmeier S, Trajkovski M. Gut Microbiota Orchestrates Energy Homeostasis during Cold - Cell, 163(6): 1360-74, December 2015

Alf MF, Duarte JM, Lei H, Krämer SD, Mlynarik V, Schibli R, Gruetter R.. MRS glucose mapping and PET joining forces: re-evaluation of the lumped constant in the rat brain under isoflurane anaesthesia - Journal of Neurochemistry, 129(4): 672-682, May 2014

Ishida S, Andreux P, Poitry-Yamate C, Auwerx J, Hanahan D. Bioavailable copper modulates oxidative phosphorylation and growth of tumors - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(48): 19507-12, November 2013

Monaco A, Zoete V, Alghisi GC, Rüegg C, Michelin O, Prior J, Scapozza L, Seimbille Y. Synthesis and in Vitro Evaluation of a Novel radioligand for αvβ3 Integrin Receptor Imaging: [18F]FPPA-c(RGDfK) - Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 23(22): 6068-6072, November 2013