MRI HUG-UNIGE (Clinical MR Imaging)
Baud O, Fau S, Barcos-Munoz F, Courvoisier S, Lordier L, Lazeyras F, Hüppi, PS. Music impacts brain cortical microstructural maturation in very preterm infants: A longitudinal diffusion MR imaging study - Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 61: 101254, May 2023
Dabrowski O, Courvoisier S, Falcone JL, Klauser A, Songeon J, Kocher M, Chopard B, Lazeyras F. Choreography Controlled (ChoCo) brain MRI artifact generation for labeled motion-corrupted datasets - Physica Medica, 102: 79-87, September 2022
Agius T, Songeon J, Klauser A, Allagnat F, Longchamp G, Ruttimann R, Lyon A, Ivaniesevic J, Meier R, Déglise S, Markmann JF, Uygun K, Buhler L, Toso C, Corpataux JM, Lazeyras F, Longchamp A. Subnormothermic Ex Vivo Porcine Kidney Perfusion Improves Energy Metabolism: Analysis Using 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging - Transplantation Direct, 8(10): e1354, September 2022
Songeon J, Courvoisier S, Xin L, Agius T, Dabrowski O, Longchamp A, Lazeyras F, Antoine Klauser A. In vivo magnetic resonance 31P-Spectral Analysis With Neural Networks: 31P-SPAWNN - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 32: 453-458, September 2022
Songeon J, Courvoisier S, Xin L, Agius T, Dabrowski O, Longchamp A, Lazeyras F, Klauser A. In vivo magnetic resonance 31 P-Spectral Analysis With Neural Networks: 31P-SPAWNN - , 89(1): 40-53, September 2022
Agius T, Songeon J, Klauser A, Longchamp G, Allagnat F, Nastasi A, Ruttiman R, Meier RPH, Toso C, Bühler L, Corpataux JM, Lazeyras F, Longchamp A. Analysis of DCD porcine kidney graft viability during sub-normothermic perfusion using magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy - British Journal of Surgery, 109(Supplement3): iii28, June 2022
Simicic D, Brayan Alves B, Mosso JJ, Phong Lê TP, van Heeswijk RB, Starcukova J, Klauser A, Strasser B, Wolfgang Bogner W, Cudalbu C. Fast high-resolution metabolite mapping on a preclinical 14.1 T scanner using H-FID-MRSI - Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2022, 2p: , September 2022
Wirsich J, Iannotti GR, Ridley B, Shamshiri EA, Sheybani L, Grouiller F, Bartolomei F, Seeck M, Lazeyras F, Ranjeva J, Guye M, Vulliemoz S. Altered correlation of concurrently recorded EEG-fMRI connectomes in temporal lobe epilepsy - medRxiv Preprint Server for Medical Sciences, : , September 2022
Gariani K, Klauser A, Vargas MI, Lazeyras F, Tran C. New insight in hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome by magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy - Brain Sciences, 12: 389, March 2022
Klauser A, Klauser P, Grouiller F, Courvoisier S, Lazeyras F. Whole-brain high-resolution metabolite mapping with 3D compressed-sensing SENSE low-rank 1H FID-MRSI - NMR in Biomedicine, : e4615, October 2021
Regnaud A, Boto J, Klauser A, Lövblad KO, Vargas MI, Lazeyras F. Metabolic changes in the cingulate gyrus, precuneus, and white matter in anorexia nervosa using multivoxel MR spectroscopy - Journal of Neuroimaging, : 1-12, August 2021
Askin Incebacak NC, Sui Y, Gui Levy L, Merlini L, Sa de Almeida J, Courvoisier S, Wallace TE, Klauser A, Afacan O, Warfield SK, Hüppi P, Lazeyras F. Super-resolution reconstruction of T2-weighted thick-slice neonatal brain MRI scans - Journal of Neuroimaging, 1: 12, August 2021
Klauser A, Strassera B, Thapaa B, Lazeyras F, Andronesi O. Achieving high-resolution 1H-MRSI of the human brain with compressed-sensing and low-rank reconstruction at 7 Tesla - Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 331(2021): 107048, August 2021
Klauser A, Strasser B, Bogner W, Hingerl L, Schirda C, Thapa B, Cahill D, Batchelor T, Lazeyras F, Andronesi O. ECcentric Circle ENcoding TRajectorIes for Compressed-sensing (ECCENTRIC): A fully random non-Cartesian sparse Fourier domain sampling for MRSI at 7 Tesla - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Klauser A, Courvoisier S, Kocher M, Lazeyras F. Fast Adiabatic Spin Echo MRSI Sequence for Whole Brain 5mm-isotropic metabolic imaging - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Wirsich J, Jorge J, Iannotti GR, Shamshiri EA, Grouiller F, Abreu R, Lazeyras F, Giraud AL, Gruetter R, Sadaghiani S, Vulliémoz S. The relationship between EEG and fMRI connectomes is reproducible across simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies from 1.5T to 7T - NeuroImage, 231: 117864, May 2021
Adam-Darque A, Freitas L, Grouiller F, Sauser J, Lazeyras F, Van De Ville D, Pollien P, Garcia-Rodenas CL, Bergonzelli G, Hüppi PS, Ha-Vinh Leuchter R. Shedding light on excessive crying in babies - Pediatric Research, 89(5): 1239–1244, April 2021
Sa de Almeida J, Meskaldji DE, Loukas S, Lordier L, Gui L, Lazeyras F, Hüppi PS. Preterm birth leads to impaired rich-club organization and fronto-paralimbic/limbic structural connectivity in newborns - NeuroImage, 225: , January 2021
Lorton O, Guillemin P, Holman R, Desgranges S, Gui L, Crowe LA, Terraz S, Nastasi A, Lazeyras F, Contino-Pépin C, Salomir R. Enhancement of HIFU thermal therapy in perfused tissue models using micron-sized FTAC-stabilized PFOB-core endovascular sonosensitizer - International Journal of Hyperthermia, 37(1): 116-1130, September 2020
Longchamp A, Klauser A, Songeon J, Agius T, Nastasi A, Ruttiman R, Moll S, Meier RPH, Buhler L, Corpataux JM, Lazeyras F. Ex vivo analysis of kidney graft viability using 31P magnetic resonance imaging spectroscopy - Transplantation, 104(9): 1825-1831, September 2020
Sa de Almeida J, Lordier L, Zollinger B, Kunz N, Bastiani M, Gui L, Adam-Darque A, Borradori-Tolsa C, Lazeyras F, Hüppi P. Music enhances structural maturation of emotional processing neural pathways in very preterm infants - NeuroImage, 207: 116391, February 2020
Berchtold L, Friedli I, Crowe L, Martinez C, Moll S, Hadaya K, de Perrot T, Combescure C, Martin PY, Vallée JP, de Seigneux S. Validation of the corticomedullary difference in magnetic resonance imaging-derived apparent diffusion coefficient for kidney fibrosis detection: a cross-sectional study - Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 35(6): 937-945, January 2019
Guillemin PC, Gui L, Lorton O, Zilli T, Crowe LA, Desgranges S, Montet X, Terraz S, Miralbell R, Salomir R, Boudabbous S. Mild hyperthermia by MR-guided focused ultrasound in an ex vivo model of osteolytic bone tumour: optimization of the spatio-temporal control of the delivered temperature - Journal of Translational Medicine, 17(1): 350, October 2019
Lorton O, Guillemin PC, Mori N, Crowe LA, Boudabbous S, Terraz S, Becker CD, Cattin P, Salomir R, Gui L. Self-Scanned HIFU Ablation of Moving Tissue Using Real-Time Hybrid US-MR Imaging - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(8): 2182-2191, August 2019
Dubois J, Lefèvre J, Angleys H, Leroy F, Fischer C, Lebenberg J, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Borradori-Tolsa C, Lazeyras F, Hertz-Pannier L, Mangin JF, Hüppi PS, Germanaud D. The dynamics of cortical folding waves and prematurity-related deviations revealed by spatial and spectral analysis of gyrification - NeuroImage, 185: 934-946, January 2019
Gui L, Loukas S, Lazeyras F, Hüppi P, Meskaldji D, Borradori Tolsa C. Longitudinal study of neonatal brain tissue volumes in preterm infants and their ability to predict neurodevelopmental outcome - NeuroImage, 185: 728-741, January 2019
Klauser A, Courvoisier S, Kasten J, Kocher M, Guerquin-Kern M, Van De Ville D, Lazeyras F. Fast high-resolution brain metabolite mapping on a clinical 3T MRI by accelerated 1 H-FID-MRSI and low-rank constrained reconstruction - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81: 2841-2857, May 2019
Ptak R, Lazeyras F. Functional connectivity and the failure to retrieve meaning from shape in visual object agnosia - Brain and Cognition, 131: 94-101, April 2019
Moeckli B, Sun P, Lazeyras F, Morel P, Moll S, Pascual M, Bühler L. Evaluation of donor kidneys prior to transplantation: an update of current and emerging methods - Transplant International, 32: 459-469, May 2019
Lordier L, Meskaldji D, Grouiller F, Pittet M, Vollenweider A, Vasung L, Borradori-Tolsa C, Lazeyras F, Grandjean D, Van De Ville D, Hüppi P. Music in premature infants enhances high-level cognitive brain networks - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116: 12103-12108, June 2019
Boto J, Askin N, Regnaud A, Kober T, Gkinis G, Lazeyras F, Lövblad K, Vargas M. Cerebral Gray and White Matter Involvement in Anorexia Nervosa Evaluated by T1, T2, and T2* Mapping - Journal of Neuroimaging, 29: 598-604, September 2019
Longchamp A, Meier R, Colucci N, Balaphas A, Orci L, Nastasi A, Longchamp G, Moll S, Klauser A, Pascual M, Lazeyras F, Corpataux J, Bühler L. Impact of an intra-abdominal cooling device during open kidney transplantation in pigs - Swiss Medical Weekly, 149: w20143, December 2019
Sandini C, Zöller D, Scariati E, Padula MC, Schneider M, Schaer M, Van de Ville D, Eliez S. Development of Structural Covariance From Childhood to Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study in 22q11.2DS - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12: 327, May 2018
Dubourg L, Vrticka P, Debbane M, Chambaz L, Eliez S, Schneider M. Neural correlates of socio-emotional perception in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 10(1): 13, April 2018
Orci LA, Oldani G, Lacotte S, Slits F, Friedli I, Wirth W, Toso C, Vallée J, Crowe L. Dynamic Volume Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Rat Livers Using a Clinical 3T MRI and Novel Segmentation - Journal of Investigative Surgery, 31(1): 44-53, February 2018
Crowe LA, Manasseh G, Chmielewski A, Hachulla AL, Speicher D, Greiser A, Muller H, de Perrot T, Vallee J, Salomir R. Spatially Resolved MR-Compatible Doppler Ultrasound: Proof of Concept for Triggering of Diagnostic Quality Cardiovascular MRI for Function and Flow Quantification at 3T - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65(2): 294-306, February 2018
Friedli I, Crowe LA, de Perrot T, Berchtold L, Martin P-Y, de Seigneux S, Vallée J. Comparison of readout-segmented and conventional single-shot for echo-planar diffusion-weighted imaging in the assessment of kidney interstitial fibrosis - Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 46(6): 1631-1640, December 2017
Crowe LA, Montecucco F, Carbone F, Friedli I, Hachulla AL, Braunersreuther V, Mach F, Vallée J. 4D cardiac imaging at clinical 3.0T provides accurate assessment of murine myocardial function and viability - Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 44: 46-54, December 2017
Padula MC, Schaer M, Scariati E, Mutlu AK, Zoller D, Schneider M, Eliez S. Quantifying indices of short- and long-range white matter connectivity at each cortical vertex - PLOS One, 12(11): e0187493, November 2017
Mihailov A, Padula MC, Scariati E, Schaer M, Schneider M, Eliez S. Morphological brain changes associated with negative symptoms in patients with 22q11.2 - Schizophrenia Research, 188: 52-58, October 2017
Schechter DS, Moser DA, Aue T, Gex-Fabry M, Pointet VC, Cordero MI, Suardi F, Manini A, Vital M, Rossignol A, Rothenberg M, Dayer A, Ansermet F, Rusconi S. Maternal PTSD and corresponding neural activity mediate effects of child exposure to violence on child PTSD symptoms - PLOS One, 12(8): e0181066, August 2017
Padula MC, Scariati E, Schaer M, Sandini C, Ottet MC, Schneider M, Van de Ville D, Eliez S. Altered structural network architecture is predictive of the presence of psychotic symptoms in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - NeuroImage: Clinical, 16: 142-150, July 2017
Celicanin Z, Manasseh G, Petrusca L, Scheffler K, Auboiroux V, Crowe LA, Hyacinthe J, Natsuaki Y, Santini F, Becker C, Terraz S, Bieri O, Salomir R. Hybrid ultrasound-MR guided HIFU treatment method with 3D motion compensation - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(5): 2511-2523, May 2018
Padula MC, Schaer M, Scariati E, Maeder J, Schneider M, Eliez S. Multimodal investigation of triple network connectivity in patients with 22q11DS and association with executive functions - Human Brain Mapping, 38(4): 2177-2189, April 2017
Cordero MI, Moser DA, Manini A, Suardi F, Sancho-Rossignol A, Torrisi R, Rossier M, Ansermet F, Dayer A, Rusconi-Serpa S, Schechter D. Effects of interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on mother and child diurnal cortisol rhythm and cortisol reactivity to a laboratory stressor involving separation - Hormones and Behavior, 90: 15-24, April 2017
Zoller D, Schaer M, Scariati E, Padula MC, Eliez S, Van De Ville D. Disentangling resting-state BOLD variability and PCC functional connectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - NeuroImage, 149: 85-97, April 2017
Scariati E, Schaer M, Karahanoglu I, Schneider M, Richiardi J, Debbané M, Van De Ville D, Eliez S. Large-scale functional network reorganization in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome revealed by modularity analysis - Cortex, 82: 86-99, September 2016
Federau C, O'Brien K. Increased brain perfusion contrast with T -prepared intravoxel incoherent motion (T2prep IVIM) MRI - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 28(1): 9-16, 2015
Moser DA, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Stenz L, Adouan W, Manini A, Suardi F, Cordero M, Vital M, Rossignol A, Rusconi-Serpa S, Ansermet F, Dayer A, Schechter D. BDNF Methylation and Maternal Brain Activity in a Violence-Related Sample - PLOS One, 10(12): e0143427, December 2015
Váša F, Griffa A, Scariati E, Schaer M, Urben S, Eliez S, Hagmann P. An affected core drives network integration deficits of the structural connectome in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - NeuroImage: Clinical, 10: 239–249, November 2015
Moser DA, Aue T, Suardi F, Manini A, Sancho Rossignol A, Cordero MI, Merminod G, Ansermet F, Serpa S, Favez N, Schechter D. The Relation of General Socio-Emotional Processing to Parenting Specific Behavior: A Study of Mothers With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 1575, October 2015
Jorge J, Grouiller F, Gruetter R, van der Zwaag W, Figueiredo P. Towards high-quality simultaneous EEG-fMRI at 7 Tesla: Detection and reduction of EEG artifacts due to head motion - NeuroImage, 120: 143-153, October 2015
Fischi-Gómez E, Vasung L, Meskaldji DE, Lazeyras F, Borradori-Tolsa C, Hagmann P, Barisnikov K, Thiran JP, Hüppi PS. Structural Brain Connectivity in School-Age Preterm Infants Provides Evidence for Impaired Networks Relevant for Higher Order Cognitive Skills and Social Cognition - Cerebral Cortex, 25(9): 2793-805, September 2015
Friedli I, Crowe LA, Viallon M, Porter DA, Martin PY, de Seigneux S, Vallée J. Improvement of Renal Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging at 3T - Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33(6): 701-8, July 2015
Schechter DS, Moser DA, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Stenz L, Gex-Fabry M, Aue T, Adouan W, Cordero M, Suardi F, Manini A, Rossignol A, Merminod G, Ansermet F, Dayer A, Rusconi Sandra. Methylation of NR3C1 is related to maternal PTSD, parenting stress and maternal medial prefrontal cortical activity in response to child separation among mothers with histories of violence exposure - Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 690, May 2015