Unser M. A unifying representer theorem for inverse problems and machine learning - Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 21(2021): 941-960, August 2021
Schilling KG, Rheault F, Petit L, Hansen CB, Nath V, Yeh FC, Girard G, Barakovic M, Rafael-Patino J, Yu T, Fischi-Gomez E, Pizzolato M, Ocampo-Pineda M, Schiavi S, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Daducci A, Granziera C, Innocenti G, Thiran JP, Mancini L, Wastling S, Cocozza S, Petracca M, Pontillo G, Mancini M, Vos SB, Vakharia VN, Duncan JS, Melero H, Manzanedo L, Sanz-Morales E, Peña-Melián A, Calamante F, Attyéw A, Cabeen RP, Korobova L, Toga AW, Vijayakumari AA, Parker D, Verma R, Radwan A, Sunaert S, Emsell L, De Luca A, Leemans A, Bajada CJ, Haroon H, Azadbakht H, Chamberland M, Genc S, Tax CMW, Yeh PH, Srikanchana R, Mcknight CD, Yang JYM, Chen J, Kelly CE, Yeh CH, Cochereau J, Maller JJ, Welton T, Almairac F, Seunarine KK, Clark CA, Zhang F, Makris N, Golby A, Rathi Y, O’Donnell LJ, Xia Y, Aydogan DB, Shi Y, Guerreiro Fernandes F, Raemaekers M, Warrington S, Michielse S, Ramírez-Manzanares A, Concha L, Aranda R, Rivera Meraz M, Lerma-Usabiaga G, Roitman L, Fekonja LS, Calarco N, Joseph M, Nakua H, Voineskos AN, Karan P, Grenier G, Haitz Legarreta JH, Adluru N, Nair VA, Prabhakaran V, Alexander AL, Kamagata K, Saito Y, Uchida W, Andica C, Abe M, Bayrak RG, Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, D’Angelo E, Palesi F, Savini G, Rolandi N, Guevara P, Houenou J, López-López N, Mangin JF, Poupon C, Román C, Vázquez A, Maffei C, Arantes M, Andrade JP, Silva SM, Calhoun VD, Caverzasi E, Sac S. Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset? - NeuroImage, 243(2021): 118502, August 2021
Koch PJ, Park CH, Gabriel Girard G, Beanato E, Egger P, Evangelista GG, Lee J, Wessel MJ, Morishita T, Koch G, Thiran JP, Guggisberg AG, Rosso C, Kim YH, Hummel FC. The structural connectome and motor recovery after stroke: predicting natural recovery - Brain, 144(7): 2107-2119, August 2021
Khawam M, de Dumast P, Deman P, Kebiri H, Yu T, Tourbier S, Lajous H, Hagmann P, Maeder P, Thiran JP, Meuli R, Dunet V, Bach Cuadra M, Koob M. Fetal brain biometric measurements on 3D super-resolution reconstructed T2-weighted MRI: an intra- and inter-observer agreement study - Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9(639746): 651, August 2021
Unser M, Aziznejad S. Convex optimization in sums of Banach spaces - Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 56(2022): 1-25, July 2021
Strijbis VIJ, de Bloeme CM, Jansen RW, Kebiri H, Nguyen H-G, de Jong JC, Moll AC, Bach Cuadra M, de Graaf P, Steenwijk MD. Multi-view convolutional neural networks for automated ocular structure and tumor segmentation in retinoblastoma - Scientific Reports, 11: 14590, July 2021
Klauser P, Cropley VL, Baumann PS, Lv J, Steullet P, Dwir D, Alemán-Gómez Y, Bach Cuadra M, Cuenod M, Do KQ, Conus P, Pantelis C, Fornito A, Van Rheenen TE, Zalesky A. White matter alterations between brain network hubs underlie processing speed impairment in patients with schizophrenia - Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2(1): , July 2021
Payette K, de Dumast P, Kebiri H, Ivan Ezhov I, Paetzold JC, Shit S, Iqbal A, Khan R, Kottke R, Grehten P, Ji H, Lanczi L, Nagy M, Beresova M, Nguyen TD, Natalucci G, Karayannis T, Menze B, Bach Cuadra M, Jakab A. An automatic multi-tissue human fetal brain segmentation benchmark using the Fetal Tissue Annotation Dataset - Nature Scientific Data, 8(1): 167, July 2021
Jaume G, Pati P, Bozorgtabar B, Foncubierta A, Anniciello AM, Feroce F, Rau T, Thiran JP, Gabrani M, Goksel O. Quantifying Explainers of Graph Neural Networks in Computational Pathology - IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, : 8106-8116, June 2021
Lu P-J, Barakovic M, Weigel M, Rahmanzadeh R, Galbusera R, Schiavi S, Daducci A, La Rosa M, Bach Cuadra M, Sandkühler R, Kuhle J, Kappos L, Cattin P and Granziera C. GAMER-MRI in multiple sclerosis identifies the diffusion-based microstructural measures that are most sensitive to focal damage: A deep-learning-based analysis and clinico-biological validation - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15: 647535, April 2021
Barakovic M, Girard G, Schiavi S, Romascano D, Descoteaux M, Jones DK, Innocenti G, Thiran JP, Daducci A. Bundle-Specific Axon Diameter Index as a New Contrast to Differentiate White Matter Tracts - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15: 68, June 2021
Badoual A, Romani L, Unser M. Active subdivision surfaces for the semiautomatic segmentation of biomedical volumes - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30(2021): , June 2021
Bommarito G, Tarun A, Farouj Y, Preti MG, Petracca M, Droby A, El Mendili MM, Inglese M, Van De Ville D. Altered anterior default mode network dynamics in progressive multiple sclerosis - Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 1: 11, June 2021
Siffredi V, Preti MG, Obertino S, Leventer RJ, Wood AG, McIlroy A, Anderson V, Spencer-Smith MM, Van De Ville D. Revisiting brain rewiring and plasticity in children born without corpus callosum - Developmental Science, 24(6): e13126, June 2021
Rey G, Bolton TAW, Julian Gaviria J, Piguet C, Preti MG, Favre S, Aubry J-M, Van De Ville D, Vuilleumier P. Dynamics of amygdala connectivity in bipolar disorders: a longitudinal study across mood states - Neuropsychopharmacology, O: 1-9, June 2021
Maggi P, Kuhle J, Schädelin S, van der Meer F, Weigel M, Galbusera R, Mathias A, Lu P-L, Rahmanzadeh R, Benkert P, La Rosa F, Bach Cuadra M, Sati P, Théaudin M, Pot C, van Pesch V, Leppert D, Stadelmann C, Kappos L, Du Pasquier R, Reich DS, Absinta M, Granziera C. Chronic white matter inflammation and serum neurofilament levels in Multiple Sclerosis - Neurology, 97(6): e543-e553, June 2021
Caminiti R, Girard G, Battaglia-Mayer A, Borra E, Schito A, Innocenti GM, Luppino G. The complex hodological architecture of the macaque dorsal intraparietal areas as emerging from neural tracers and DW-MRI tractography - eNeuro, 8(4): , May 2021
La Rosa F, Barquero G, Al-Louzi O, Maréchal Mortamet BM, Kober T, Thiran JP, Sati P, Reich DS, Maggi P, Absinta M, Bach Cuadra, Granziera C. Automated assessment of paramagnetic rim lesions in multiple sclerosis patients with 3T and 7T MP2RAGE - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Sainz Martinez C, Lemay M, Bach Cuadra M, Jorge J. BigBrain-MR: a computational phantom for ultra-high-resolution MR methods development - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Lajous H, Hilbert T, Roy CW, Tourbier S, de Dumast P, Alemán-Gómez Y, Yu T, Hagmann P, Koob M, Dunet V, Kober T, Stuber M, Bach Cuadra M. A magnetic resonance imaging simulation framework of the developing fetal brain - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Rahmanzadeh R, Lu PJ, Barakovic M, Weigel M, Gaetano L, Galbusera R, Nguyen TD, La Rosa F, Reich DS, Sati P, Wang Y, Bach Cuadra M, Radue EW, Kuhle J, Kappos L, Magon S, Granziera C. Quantitative myelin-sensitive MRIs exhibit differential sensitivity to multiple sclerosis pathology in distinct brain lesions and regions - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Wynen M, La Rosa F, Sellimi A, Barquero G, Perrotta G, Lolli V, Van Pesch V, Granziera C, Kober T, Sati P, Macq B, Reich DS, Absinta M, Bach Cuadra M, Maggi P. Longitudinal automated assessment of paramagnetic rim lesions in multiple sclerosis using RimNet - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Di Noto T, Marie G, Tourbier S, Alemán-Gómez y, Saliou G, Bach Cuadra M, Hagmann P, Richiardi J. Improving automated aneurysm detection on multi-site MRA data: lessons learnt from a public machine learning challenge - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Villarreal Haro JL, Girard G, Thiran JP, Ramírez-Manzanares A. Estimation of individual brain signature and node-wise sensibility by a community-based DW-MRI connectome analysis - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Girard G, Rafael-Patino J, Truffet R, Pizzolato M, Caruyer E, Thiran JP. A novel in silico phantom for microstructure, tractography and quantitative connectivity estimation - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Maffei C, Girard G, Schilling KG, Baran Aydogan D, Adluru N, Zhylka A, Wu Y, Mancini M, Hamamci A, Sarica A, Karimi D, Yeh FC, Yildiz ME, Gholipour A, Quattrone A, Quattrone A, Yap PT, de Luca A, Pluim J, Lemans A, Prabhakaran V, Bendlin BB, Alexander AL, Landman BA, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Barakovic M, Rafael-Patino J, Yu T, Rensonnet G, Schiavi S, Daducci A, Pizzolato M, Fischi-Gomez E, Thiran JP, Dai G, Grisot G, Puch S, Ramos M, Lazovski N, Rodrigues P, Prchkovska V, Jones R, Lehman J, Haber S, Yendiki A. New insights from the IronTract challenge: Simple post-processing enhances the accuracy of diffusion tractography - ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Lu PJ, Barakovic M, Weigel M, Rahmanzadeh R, Galbusera R, Schiavi S, Daducc A, La Rosa F, Bach Cuadra M, Sandkühler R, Kuhle J, Kappos L, Cattin P, Granziera C. Identification of diffusion-based micro-structural measures most sensitive to multiple sclerosis focal damage using GAMER-MRI - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Huelnhagen T, Al Louzi O, Fartaria MJ, Daboul L, Maggi P, Granziera C, Bach Cuadra M, Richiardi J, Reich DS, Kober T, Sati P O. Toward fully automated assessment of the central vein sign using deep learning - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Roy CW, Alamo L, Tenisch E, Heerfordt J, Prsa M, Bach Cuadra M, Piccini D, Yerly J, Stuber M. Motion compensated Free-Running 3D fetal magnetic resonance imaging: initial feasibility - Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
Fageot J, Uhlmann V, Püspöki Z, Beck B, Unser M, Depeursinge A. Principled design and implementation of steerable detectors - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30(2021): 4465-4478, April 2021
Yu T, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Pizzolato M, Piredda G, Hilbert T, Fischi-Gomez E, Weigel M, Barakovic M, Bach Cuadra M, Granziera C, Kober T, Thiran JP. Model-lnformed machine learning for multi-component T2 relaxometry - Medical image Analysis, 69(101940): , April 2021
Denoyelle Q, Pham TA, del Aguila Pla P, Sage D, Unser M. Optimal-transport-based metric for SMLM - IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'21), : 797-801, Nice, France, April 2021
Leuze C, Goubran M, Barakovic M, Aswendt M, Tian Q, Hsueh B, Crow A, Weber E, Steinberg G, Zeineh M, Plowey E, Daducci A, Innocenti G, Thiran JP, Deisseroth K, McNab JA. Comparison of diffusion MRI and CLARITY fiber orientation estimates in both gray and white matter regions of human and primate brain - NeuroImage, 228: 117692, March 2021
Klug J, Leclerc G, Dirren E, Preti MG, Van De Ville D, Carrera E. Bayesian skip net: building on prior Information for the prediction and segmentation of stroke lesions - Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries, 12658: 168-180, March 2021
Klug J, Dirren E, Preti MG, Machi P, Kleinschmidt A, Vargas Gomez M, Van De Ville D, Carrera E. Integrating regional perfusion CT information improves prediction of infarction after stroke - Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 41(3): 502-510, March 2021
La Rosa F, Yu T, Barquero G, Thiran JP, Granziera C, Bach Cuadra M. MPRAGE to MP2RAGE UNI translation via generative adversarial network improves the automatic tissue and lesion segmentation in multiple sclerosis patients - Computers in Biology and Medicine, 132(104297): , March 2021
Rahmanzadeh Reza, Lu P-J, Barakovic M, Weigel M, Maggi P, Nguyen TD, Schiavi S, Daducci A, La Rosa F, Schaedelin S, Absinta M, Reich DS, Sati P, Wang Y, Bach Cuadra M, Radue E-W, Kuhle J, Kappos L, Granziera C. Myelin and axon pathology in multiple sclerosis assessed by myelin water and multi-shell diffusion imaging - Brain, 10: 1093, March 2021
Spahr A, Bozorgtabar B, Thiran JP. Self-taught semi-supervised anomaly detection on upper limb X-rays - 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), : 1632-1636, Nice, France, April 2021
Barakovic M, Tax C, Rudrapatna U, Chamberland M, Rafael-Patino J, Granziera C, Thiran JP, Daducci A, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Jones DK. Resolving bundle-specific intra-axonal T2 values within a voxel using diffusion-relaxation tract-based estimation - NeuroImage, 227(117617): , February 2021
Tomar D, Lortkipanidze M, Vray G, Bozorgtabar B, and Thiran JP. Self-attentive spatial adaptive normalization for cross-modality domain adaptation - IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40(10): 2926-2938, February 2021
Gauthier B, Brechet L, Lance F, Mange R, Herbelin B, Faivre N, Bolton TAW, Van De Ville D, Blanke O. First-person body view modulates the neural substrates of episodic memory and autonoetic consciousness: A functional connectivity study - NeuroImage, 223: , December 2020
Lu PJ, Yoo Y, Rahmanzadeh R, Galbusera R, Weigel M, Ceccaldi P, Nguyen TD, Spincemaille P, Wang Y, Daducci A, La Rosa F, Bach Cuadra M, Sandkühler R, Nael K, Doshi A, Fayad ZA, Kuhle J, Kappos L, Granziera C. GAMER MRI: Gated-attention mechanism ranking of multi-contrast MRI in brain pathology - NeuroImage Clinical, 29(102522): , December 2020
Bohra P, Campos J, Gupta H, Aziznejad S, Unser M. Learning activation functions in deep (spline) neural networks - IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, 1: 295 - 309, November 2020
Girard G, Caminiti R, Battaglia-Mayer A, St-Onge E, Ambrosen KS, Eskildsen SF, Krug K, Dyrby TB, Descoteaux M, Thiran JP, Innocenti GM. On the cortical connectivity in the macaque brain: A comparison of diffusion tractography and histological tracing data - NeuroImage, 221: 1, November 2020
Mahapatra D, Bozorgtabar B, Thiran JP, Shao L. Structure preserving stain normalization of histopathology images using self supervised semantic guidance - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI, : 309-319, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Abbet C, Zlobec I, Bozorgtabar B, Thiran JP. Divide-and-rule: self-supervised learning for survival analysis in colorectal cancer - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI, : 480-489, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Bozorgtabar B, Mahapatra D, Vray G, Thiran JP. SALAD: self-supervised aggregation learning for anomaly detection on X-Rays - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI, : 468-478, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Rensonnet G, Rafael-Patino J, Macq B, Thiran JP, Pizzolato M, Girard G. A Signal Peak Separation Index for axisymmetric B-tensor encoding - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI 2020 International Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI, : , Lima, Peru, October 2020
Truffet R, Rafael-Patino J, Girard G, Pizzolato M, Barillo C, Thiran JP, Caruyer E. An evolutionary framework for microstructure-sensitive generalized diffusion gradient waveforms - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI, : 94-103, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Todea RA, Lu PJ, Fartaria de Oliveira MJ, Bonnier G, Du Pasquier R, Krueger G, Bach Cuadra M, Psychogios MN, Kappos L, Kuhle J, Granziera C. Evolution of cortical and white matter lesion load in early-stage multiple sclerosis: correlation with neuroaxonal damage and clinical changes - Frontiers in Neurology, 11(973): , September 2020
Barquero G, La Rosa F, Kebiri H, Lu P-J, Rahmanzadeh R, Weigel M, Fartaria M J, Kober T, Théaudin M, Du Pasquier R, Sati P, Reich DS, Absinta M, Granziera C, Maggi P, Bach Cuadra M. RimNet: A deep 3D multimodal MRI architecture for paramagnetic rim lesion assessment in multiple sclerosis - NeuroImage: Clinical, 28(102412): , September 2020
La Rosa F, Beck ES, Abdulkadir A, Thiran JP, Reich DS, Sati P, Bach Cuadra M. Automated detection of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis patients with 7T MRI - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI, : , Lima, Peru, October 2020
Lajous H, Hilbert T, Roy CW, Tourbier S, de Dumast P, Yu T, Thiran JP, Ledoux JB, Piccini D, Hagmann P, Meuli R, Kober T, Stuber M, van Heeswijk RB, Bach Cuadra M. T2 mapping from super-resolution-reconstructed clinical fast spin echo magnetic resonance acquisitions - International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention-MICCAI, 12262: 114-124, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Alemán Y, Najdenovska E, Roine T, Fartaria MJ, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Rovó Z, Hagmann P, Conus P, Do KQ, Klauser P, Steullet P, Baumann PS, Bach Cuadra M. Partial‐volume modeling reveals reduced gray matter in specific thalamic nuclei early in the time course of psychosis and chronic schizophrenia - Human Brain Mapping, 41(14): 4041-4061, July 2020
Bozorgtabar B, Mahapatra D, Zlobec I, Rau T, Thiran JP. Computational pathology - Frontiers in Medicine, 7: , June 2020