On May 9th in Lausanne and May 10th in Geneva CIBM Core and Affiliate mambers hosted Swiss native, Professor Guido Gerig from the New York University Tandon School of Engineering. Computer Science and Engineering Department to members of the CIBM community had the great pleasure to hear two talks by
CIBM affiliate member, Professor Petra Huppi, Head of the Child Development Laboratory, University of Geneva organised the first talk on Tuesday May 9th at 3pm, in room H8-01-D at Campus Biotech, Geneva.
CIBM Core member Dr. Meritxell Bach Cuadra, Head of the CIBM SP CHUV-UNIL section organised the second talk that took place at the CHUV Radiology Research Center in Lausanne on Wednesday May 10th at 9am.

Guido Gerig
Institute Professor, IEEE Fellow, AIMBE Fellow.
NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Computer Science and Engineering Department, Brooklyn, NY, USA
First talk: Imaging Studies of Early Brain Development: Challenges and Opportunities
Second talk: Time Will Tell: Longitudinal Image Analysis to Meet Clinical Needs
About the speaker
Guido Gerig is Institute Professor and former Chair at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering in the Departments of Computer Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, where he is also a member of the NYU VIDA center (visualization, imaging and data analysis). Guido Gerig was previously USTAR Professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah (2007-2015), Taylor Grandy Professor of Computer Science and Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1998-2007), and Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich (1993-1998). Guido Gerig has been named IEEE Fellow (class of 2019) and is also a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). His main research is in computer vision and medical image analysis with driving problems from medicine, tackled in close multidisciplinary collaboration between medicine, engineering, and statistics. His research supports a number of clinical imaging research studies with novel, innovative image analysis methodologies related to segmentation, registration, spatiotemporal modeling, shape analysis, and imaging statistics. Guido Gerig and is author/co-author on over 500 articles, most at high-impact events related to computer science and clinical research.