AUTHORS: Simicic D, Mosso J, Lê TP, van Heeswijk RB, Jelescu I, Cudalbu C
ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting, : , Online, May 2021
MRSI is a powerful tool for the non-invasive simultaneous mapping of metabolic profiles at multiple spatial positions. This method is highly challenging due to low concentration of metabolites, long measurement times, low SNR, hardware limitations and need for advanced pulse sequences. Denoising based on singular value decomposition has been previously used, but determination of the appropriate thresholds that separate the noise from the signal is problematic leading to possible loss of spatial resolution. Aim of the present study was to implement an improved denoising technique (Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis) on high resolution MRSI data acquired at 9.4T in the rat-brain.
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Module: MRI