AUTHORS: Ocampo-Pineda M, Schiavi S, Frigo M, Barakovic M, Girard G, Descoteaux M, Thiran JP, Daducci A

International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, : , Montréal, Canada, May 2019


Tractography has proven particularly effective for studying non-invasively the neuronal architecture of the brain, but recent studies have showed that the high incidence of false-positives can significantly bias any connectivity analysis. Last year we presented a method that extended COMMIT framework to consider the prior knowledge that white matter fibers are organized in bundles. Inspired by this, here we propose another extension to further improve the quality of the tractography reconstructions. We introduce a novel regularization term based on the multilevel hierarchy organization of the human brain and we test the results on both synthetic phantom and in vivo data.

