AUTHORS: Debarre T, Aziznejad S, Unser M
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, 2: 545-558, 2021
We present a novel framework for the reconstruction of 1D composite signals assumed to be a mixture of two additive components, one sparse and the other smooth, given a finite number of linear measurements. We formulate the reconstruction problem as a continuous-domain regularized inverse problem with multiple penalties.We prove that these penalties induce reconstructed signals that indeed take the desired form of the sum of a sparse and a smooth component. We then discretize this problem using Riesz bases, which yields a discrete problem that can be solved by standard algorithms. Our discretization is exact in the sense that we are solving the continuous-domain problem over the search space specified by our bases without any discretization error. We propose a complete algorithmic pipeline and demonstrate its feasibility on simulated data.
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