AUTHORS: Bano W, Feliciano H, Coristine AJ, Stuber M, van Heeswijk RB

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 77(1): 159-169, January 2017



The goal of this study was to characterize the accuracy and precision of cardiac T2 mapping as a function of different factors including low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), imaging in systole, and off-resonance frequencies.


Bloch equation and Monte Carlo simulations were used to determine the influence of SNR and the choice of T2 preparation echo time (TET2prep ) increments on the accuracy and precision of high-resolution radial cardiac T2 mapping at 3.0 T. Healthy volunteers were scanned to establish the difference in precision and inter- and intraobserver variability between T2 mapping in diastole and systole, as well as the effect of SNR and off-resonance frequencies on the accuracy of T2 maps.


The simulations demonstrated that a TET2prep increment of ∼0.75 times the T2 value of interest optimally increases the precision of the T2 fit. Systolic T2 maps were found to have a higher precision (P = 0.002), but similar inter- and intraobserver variability compared with diastolic T2 maps, whereas off-resonance frequencies beyond ± 100 Hz cause a significant decrease in both accuracy and precision (P < 0.05).


This evaluation of the accuracy and precision of cardiac T2 mapping characterizes the major vulnerabilities of the technique and will help guide protocol definition of studies that include T2 mapping.

