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Tuleasca C, Witjas T, Van de Ville D, Najdenovska E, Verger A, Girard N, Champoudry J, Thiran JP, Bach Cuadra M, Levivier M, Guedj E, Régis J. Right Brodmann area 18 predicts tremor arrest after Vim radiosurgery: a voxel-based morphometry study - Acta Neurochirurgica, 160(3): 603-609, March 2018

Tuleasca C, Najdenovska E, Régis J, Witjas T, Girard N, Champoudry J, Faouzi M, Thiran J, Bach Cuadra M, Levivier M, Van De Ville D. Clinical response to Vim’s thalamic stereotactic radiosurgery for essential tremor is associated with distinctive functional connectivity patterns - Acta Neurochirurgica, 160(3): 611-624, March 2018

Huang W, Bolton T, Medaglia JD, Bassett DS, Ribeiro A, Van de Ville D. A Graph Signal Processing Perspective on Functional Brain Imaging - Proceedings of the IEEE, 106(5): 868 - 885, March 2018

Fartaria M, Todea A, Kober T, O'brien K, Krueger G, Meuli R, Granziera C, Roche A, Bach Cuadra M. Partial volume-aware assessment of multiple sclerosis lesions - NeuroImage: Clinical, 18: 245-53, February 2018

Hasler R, Preti M, Meskaldji D, Prados J, Adouan W, Rodriguez C, Toma S, Hiller N, Ismaili T, Hofmeister J, Sinanaj I, Baud P, Haller S, Giannakopoulos P, Schwartz S, Perroud N, Van De Ville D. Inter-hemispherical asymmetry in default-mode functional connectivity and BAIAP2 gene are associated with anger expression in ADHD adults - Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 269: 54-61, November 2017

Girard G, Daducci A, Petit L, Thiran JP, Whittingstall K, Deriche R, Wassermann D, Descoteaux M. AxTract: Toward microstructure informed tractography - Human Brain Mapping, 38(11): 5485-5500, November 2017

McCann MT, Jin KH, Unser M. Convolutional Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Imaging: A Review - IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 34(6): 85 - 95, November 2017

Maier-Hein K, Neher P, Houde J, Côté M, Garyfallidis E, Zhong J, Chamberland M, Yeh F, Lin Y, Ji Q, Reddick W, Glass J, Chen D, Feng Y, Gao C, Wu Y, Ma J, He R, Li Q, Westin CF, Deslauriers-Gauthier S, González J, Paquette M, St-Jean S, Girard G, Rheault F, Sidhu J, Tax C, Guo F, Mesri H, Dávid S, Froeling M, Heemskerk A, Leemans A, Boré A, Pinsard B, Bedetti C, Desrosiers M, Brambati S, Doyon J, Sarica A, Vasta R, Cerasa A, Quattrone A, Yeatman J, Khan A, Hodges W, Alexander S, Romascano D, Barakovic M, Auría A, Esteban O, Lemkaddem A, Thiran JP, Cetingul H, Odry B, Mailhe B, Nadar M, Pizzagalli F, Prasad G, Villalon-Reina J, Galvis J, Thompson P, Requejo F, Laguna P, Lacerda L, Barrett R, Dell'Acqua F, Catani M, Petit L, Caruyer E, Daducci A, Dyrby T, Holland-Letz T, Hilgetag C, Stieltjes B, Descoteaux M. The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography - Nature Communications, 8(1): 1349, November 2017

Preti MG, Bolton T, Van de Ville D. The dynamic functional connectome: State-of-the-art and perspectives - NeuroImage, 160: 41-54, October 2017

Bolton TA, Tarun A, Sterpenich V, Schwartz S, Van De Ville D. Interactions Between Large-Scale Functional Brain Networks Are Captured by Sparse Coupled HMMs - IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(1): 230 - 240, September 2017

Van De Ville D, Demesmaeker R, Preti MG. Guiding Network Analysis using Graph Slepians: An Illustration for the C.Elegans Connectome - Wavelets and Sparsity XVII, : 10394, August 2017

Griffa A, Ricaud B, Benzi K, Bresson X, Daducci A, Vandergheynst P, Thiran JP, Hagmann P. Transient Networks of Spatio-temporal Connectivity Map Communication Pathways in Brain Functional Systems - NeuroImage, 155: 490-502, July 2017

Tourbier S, Velasco-Annis C, Taimouri V, Hagmann P, Meuli R, Warfield S, Bach Cuadra M, Gholipour A. Automated Template-based Brain Localization and Extraction for Fetal Brain MRI Reconstruction - NeuroImage, 155: 460-472, July 2017

Battistella G, Najdenovska E, Maeder P, Ghazaleh N, Daducci A, Thiran JP, Jacquemont S, Tuleasca C, Levivier M, Bach Cuadra M, Fornari E. Robust thalamic nuclei segmentation method based on local diffusion magnetic resonance properties - Brain Structure and Function, 222(5): 2203-2216, July 2017

Kopel R, Emmert K, Scharnowski F, Haller S, Van de Ville D. Distributed patterns of brain activity underlying real-time fMRI neurofeedback training - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(6): 1228-1237, June 2017

Jin KH, McCann MT, Froustey E, Unser M. Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(9): 4509 - 4522, June 2017

Emmert K, Breimhorst M, Bauermann T, Birklein F, Rebhorn C, Van De Ville D, Haller S. Active pain coping is associated with the response in real-time fMRI neurofeedback during pain - Brain Imaging and Behavior, 11(3): 712-721, June 2017

McCann MT, Unser M. High-quality parallel-ray X-Ray CT back projection using optimized interpolation - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(10): 4639 - 4647, May 2017

Grandjean J, Preti MG, Bolton T, Buerge M, Seifritz E, Pryce CR, Van De Ville D, Rudin M. Dynamic reorganization of intrinsic functional networks in the mouse brain - NeuroImage, 152: 497-508, May 2017

Quevenco F, Preti M, van Bergen JM, Hua J, Wyss M, Li X, Schreiner S, Steininger S, Meyer R, Meier I, Brickman A, Leh S, Gietl A, Buck A, Nitsch R, Pruessmann K, van Zijl P, Hock C, Van De Ville D2, Unschuld P. Memory performance-related dynamic brain connectivity indicates pathological burden and genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease - Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 9(1): 24, March 2017

Ciller C, De Zanet S, Kamnitsas K, Maeder P, Glocker B, Munier FL, Rueckert D, Thiran JP, Bach Cuadra M, Sznitman R. Multi-channel MRI segmentation of eye structures and tumors using patient-specific features - PLOS One, 12(3): e0173900, March 2017

Sage D, Donati L, Soulez F, Fortun D, Schmit G, Seitz A, Guiet R, Vonesch C, Unser M. DeconvolutionLab2: An open-source software for deconvolution microscopy - Methods, 115: 28-41, February 2017

Cid YD, Muller H, Platon A, Poletti PA, Depeursinge A. 3D Solid Texture Classification Using Locally-Oriented Wavelet Transforms - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(4): 1899-1910, February 2017

Unser M, Fageot J, Ward JP. Splines Are Universal Solutions of Linear Inverse Problems with Generalized TV Regularization - SIAM Review, 59(4): 769–793, December 2016

Muñoz-Moreno E, Fischi-Gomez E, Batalle D, Borradori-Tolsa C, Eixarch E, Thiran JP, Gratacós E, Hüppi PS. Structural Brain Network Reorganization and Social Cognition Related to Adverse Perinatal Condition from Infancy to Early Adolescence - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10: 560, December 2016

Meskaldji DE, Preti MG, Bolton TA, Montandon ML, Rodriguez C, Morgenthaler S, Giannakopoulos P, Haller S, Van De Ville D. Prediction of long-term memory scores in MCI based on resting-state fMRI - NeuroImage: Clinical, 12: 785-795, October 2016

Esteban O, Zosso D, Daducci A, Bach-Cuadra M, Ledesma-Carbayo M, Thiran JP, Santos A. Surface-driven registration method for the structure-informed segmentation of diffusion MR images - NeuroImage, 139: 450-461, October 2016

Esteban O, Zosso D, Daducci A, Bach-Cuadra M, Ledesma-Carbayo MJ, Thiran JP, Santos A1. Data on the verification and validation of segmentation and registration methods for diffusion MRI - Data in Brief, 8: 871-6, July 2016

Fartaria M, Bonnier G, Roche A, Kober T, Meuli R, Rotzinger D, Frackowiak R, Schluep M, Du Pasquier R, Thiran J, Krueger G, Bach Cuadra M, Granziera C. Automated detection of white matter and cortical lesions in early stages of multiple sclerosis - Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 43(6): 1445-54, June 2016

McCann MT, Nilchian M, Stampanoni M, Unser M. Fast 3D reconstruction method for differential phase contrast X-ray CT - Optics Express, 24(13): 14564-81, June 2016

Daducci A, Dal Palú A, Descoteaux M, Thiran J-P. Microstructure informed tractography: pitfalls and open challenges - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10: 247, June 2016

Fortun D, Bouthemy P, Kervrann C. A Variational Aggregation Framework for Patch-Based Optical Flow Estimation - Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 56(2): 280-99, May 2016

Emmert K, Kopel R, Sulzer J, Brühl A, Berman B, Linden D, Horovitz S, Breimhorst M, Caria A, Frank S, Johnston S, Long Z, Paret C, Robineau F, Veit R, Bartsch A, Beckmann C, Van De Ville D, Haller S. Meta-analysis of real-time fMRI neurofeedback studies using individual participant data: How is brain regulation mediated? - NeuroImage, 124(Pt A): 806-812, January 2016

Nilchian M, Bostan E, Wang Z, Nilchiyan MR, Stampanoni M, Unser M. Joint absorption and phase retrieval in grating-based x-ray radiography - Optics Express, 24(7): 7253-65, April 2016

Kasten J, Klauser A, Lazeyras F, Van De Ville D. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging at Superresolution: Overview and Perspectives - Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 263(2): 193-208, February 2016

Fischi-Gomez E, Muñoz-Moreno E, Vasung L, Griffa A, Borradori-Tolsa C, Monnier M, Lazeyras F, Thiran JP, Hüppi PS. Brain network characterization of high-risk preterm-born school-age children - NeuroImage: Clinical, 11: 195-209, February 2016

Esteban O, Caruyer E, Daducci A, Bach-Cuadra M, Ledesma-Carbayo MJ, Santos A. Diffantom: Whole-Brain Diffusion MRI Phantoms Derived from Real Datasets of the Human Connectome Project - Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 10: 4, February 2016

Kasten JA, Vetterli T, Lazeyras F, Van De Ville D. 3D-printed shepp-logan phantom as a real-world benchmark for MRI - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 75(1): 287-94, January 2016

Fortun D, Guichard P, Chu N, Unser M. Reconstruction From Multiple Poses in Fluorescence Imaging: Proof of Concept. Selected Topics in Signal Processing - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 10(1): 61 - 70, 21 January 2016

Puspoki Z, Uhlmann V, Vonesch C, Unser M. Design of Steerable Wavelets to Detect Multifold Junctions - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 25(2): 643 - 657, December 2015

Nilchian M, Ward J, Vonesch C, Unser M. Optimized Kaiser-Bessel window functions for computed tomography - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(11): 3826-33, November 2015

Tourbier S, Bresson X, Hagmann P, Thiran JP, Meuli R, Bach Cuadra M. An Efficient Total Variation Algorithm for Super-Resolution in Fetal Brain MRI with Adaptive Regularization - NeuroImage, 118: 584-97, September 2015

Lin YC, Daducci A, Meskaldji DE, Thiran JP, Michel P, Meuli R, Krueger G, Menegaz G, Granziera C. Quantitative Analysis of Myelin and Axonal Remodeling in the Uninjured Motor Network After Stroke - Brain Connect, 5(7): 401-12, September 2015

Fischi-Gómez E, Vasung L, Meskaldji DE, Lazeyras F, Borradori-Tolsa C, Hagmann P, Barisnikov K, Thiran JP, Hüppi PS. Structural Brain Connectivity in School-Age Preterm Infants Provides Evidence for Impaired Networks Relevant for Higher Order Cognitive Skills and Social Cognition - Cerebral Cortex, 25(9): 2793-805, September 2015

Dogan Z, Gilliam C, Blu T, Van De Ville D. Reconstruction of Finite Rate of Innovation Signals with Model-Fitting Approach - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63(22): 6024 - 6036, July 2015

Granziera C, Daducci A2, Donati A3, Bonnier G4, Romascano D4, Roche A4, Bach Cuadra M5, Schmitter D4, Klöppel S6, Meuli R7, von Gunten A3, Krueger G8.. A multi-contrast MRI study of microstructural brain damage in patients with mild cognitive impairment - NeuroImage: Clinical, 8: 631-9, June 2015

Nilchian M, Wang Z, Thuering T, Unser M, Stampanoni M. Spline based iterative phase retrieval algorithm for X-ray differential phase contrast radiography - Optics Express, 23(8): 10631-42, April 2015

Meskaldji D, Vasung L, Romascano D, Thiran JP, Hagmann P, Morgenthaler S, Van De Ville D. Improved statistical evaluation of group differences in connectomes by screening-filtering strategy with application to study maturation of brain connections between childhood and adolescence - NeuroImage, 108: 251-64, March 2015

Leonardi N, Van De Ville D. On spurious and real fluctuations of dynamic functional connectivity during rest - NeuroImage, 104: 430-6, January 2015

Griffa A, Baumann PS, Ferrari C, Do KQ, Conus P, Thiran JP, Hagmann P. Characterizing the connectome in schizophrenia with diffusion spectrum imaging - Human Brain Mapping, 36(1): 354-66, January 2015

Schmitter D, Roche A, Maréchal B, Ribes D, Abdulkadir A, Bach-Cuadra M, Daducci A, Granziera C, Klöppel S, Maeder P, Meuli R, Krueger G. An evaluation of volume-based morphometry for prediction of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease - NeuroImage: Clinical, 7: 7-17, November 2014

Viceic D, Fornari E, Thiran JP, Maeder PP, Meuli R, Adriani M, Clarke S.. Human auditory belt areas specialized in sound recognition: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study - Neuroreport, 17(16): 1659-62, November 2006

Hagmann P, Jonasson L, Maeder P, Thiran JP, Wedeen VJ, Meuli R. Understanding diffusion MR imaging techniques: From scalar diffusion-weighted imaging to diffusion tensor imaging and beyond - Radiographics, 26: S205-23, October 2006