AUTHORS: Kim CC, Wang CH, Yang YC, Hwu YK, Seol SK, Kwon YB, Chen C, Liou HW, Lin HM, Margaritondo G , Je JH

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 100(2-3): 292-295, December 2006


We developed a novel approach to prepare Ni–Au composite nanoparticles using synchrotron radiation X-rays. Ni–Au particles dispersed in aqueous solutions were synthesized with two different irradiation strategies. The first is by exposing to X-rays a mixed electroless solution of Ni and Au at two different temperatures, trying to nucleate Ni nanoparticles homogeneously at room temperature and to deposit Au subsequently on them at the high temperature of 70 °C. The second strategy is to change the pH value of the mixed solution, directly leading to the formation of Ni–Au nanoparticles. In both cases, the Ni–Au composite nanoparticles were successfully formed, as confirmed by the observed ferromagnetic behavior and by the evolution of the Au surface plasmon resonance band.

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