AUTHORS: Murray MM, Antonakis J

Organizational Research Methods, 22: 6-16, September 2018


The time is ripe for a renewed and interdisciplinary approach to organizational research that incorporates neuroscientific techniques. Like all methods, they have methodological, analytical, and interpretational limitations; however, the potential gains from using these techniques are far more considerable. We have therefore assembled a succinct yet authoritative collection of articles on the topic of neuroscience in organizational research, to serve as a solid introduction to the methods of neuroscience and what they can accomplish. The special topic is organized into two parts. The first includes a set of accessible reviews of the palette of brain imaging, mapping, and stimulation techniques (fMRI, fNIRS, EEG, MEG, and NIBS) as well as examples of the application of neuroscience methods to various disciplines including economics, marketing, finance, organizational behavior, neuroethology, as well an integrative translational critique on a variety of applications. The second is a collection of articles resulting from a competitive call for submissions that cover various neuroscience topics but also address important methodological and philosophical issues. The articles lay out a roadmap for the effective integration of neuroscientific methods into organizational research.

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