You will find in this page the list of datasets developed by the CIBM members.

EEG dataset from healthy participants during auditory stimulation in wakefulness and sleep

CIBM Sections involved:  EEG CHUV-UNIL

EEG dataset from healthy participants during sensory stimulation with tendon vibration

CIBM Sections involved:  EEG CHUV-UNIL

EEG and MRI datasets from healthy participants for estimating interhemispheric transfer time and microstructural brain features

CIBM Sections involved:  EEG CHUV-UNIL

Cartool Open Source, Fast, tested and validated EEG analysis software, Open Source.

CIBM Sections involved:  EEG HUG-UNIGE

MRS4Brain toolbox

CIBM Sections involved:  MRI EPFL

MR Spectra from rat hippocampus with LCModel quantification and the corresponding basis set

CIBM Sections involved:  MRI EPFL

T2 Mapping from Super-Resolution-Reconstructed Clinical Fast Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Acquisitions

CIBM Sections involved: SP CHUV-UNIL

SPiCiCAP framework

CIBM Sections involved: SP EPFL-UNIGE

Quantitative Evaluation of Enhanced multi-plane clinical fetal diffusion MRI with a crossing-fiber phantom

CIBM Sections involved SP CHUV-UNIL and  MRI CHUV-UNIL