You will find in this page the list of datasets developed by the CIBM members.
EEG dataset from healthy participants during auditory stimulation in wakefulness and sleep
CIBM Sections involved: EEG CHUV-UNIL
EEG dataset from healthy participants during sensory stimulation with tendon vibration
EEG and MRI datasets from healthy participants for estimating interhemispheric transfer time and microstructural brain features
Cartool Open Source, Fast, tested and validated EEG analysis software, Open Source.
CIBM Sections involved: EEG HUG-UNIGE
MRS4Brain toolbox
CIBM Sections involved: MRI EPFL
MR Spectra from rat hippocampus with LCModel quantification and the corresponding basis set
T2 Mapping from Super-Resolution-Reconstructed Clinical Fast Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Acquisitions
CIBM Sections involved: SP CHUV-UNIL
SPiCiCAP framework
CIBM Sections involved: SP EPFL-UNIGE
Quantitative Evaluation of Enhanced multi-plane clinical fetal diffusion MRI with a crossing-fiber phantom
CIBM Sections involved: SP CHUV-UNIL and MRI CHUV-UNIL