CIBM Community

CIBM constitutes a network of well recognized experts in the field of biomedical imaging and promotes interaction within and beyond the founding partner institutions.

The members of the CIBM Community are researchers, scientists and engineers, technicians and clinicians from academia, industry and hospitals in Switzerland and throughout the globe.

CIBM Community

The CIBM Core members are those who are leading and involved In the day-to-day activities of the Center such as research, teaching and service by providing their expertise and access to the CIBM infrastructure.

The CIBM Affiliate and Associate members as those closely collaborating with CIBM Core members through joint projects, PhD supervision and grants. The CIBM Affiliate members includes students and employees affiliated to the five founding partner institutions CHUV, UNIL, EPFL, UNIGE and HUG whereas the CIBM Associate members are students and employees affiliated to other partner institutions.

The CIBM Alumni members are all past CIBM Core members.