A CIBM researcher is the lead author of a manuscript published in NMR Biomedicine summarizing the recommendations of the MRS experts from all over the world in the field of macromolecules estimation for 1H MR spectra.

Cristina Cudalbu, PhD, Research Staff Scientist  and 9.4T MRI Operational manager at the CIBM MRI EPFL Animal Imaging and Technology Section, is the first author of the article ‘Contribution of macromolecules to brain 1 H MR spectra: Experts’ consensus recommendations’.




Proton MR spectra of the brain, especially those measured at short and intermediate echo times, contain signals from mobile macromolecules (MM). A description of the main MM is provided in this consensus paper. These broad peaks of MM underlie the narrower peaks of metabolites and often complicate their quantification but they also may have potential importance as biomarkers in specific diseases. Thus, separation of broad MM signals from low molecular weight metabolites enables accurate determination of metabolite concentrations and is of primary interest in many studies. Other studies attempt to understand the origin of the MM spectrum, to decompose it into individual spectral regions or peaks and to use the components of the MM spectrum as markers of various physiological or pathological conditions in biomedical research or clinical practice. The aim of this consensus paper is to provide an overview and some recommendations on how to handle the MM signals in different types of studies together with a list of open issues in the field, which are all summarized at the end of the paper. Full paper is available here: PubMed (nih.gov)

“It was hard work, and a long journey, but a very enriching one. I worked with amazing people and even though I’ve been working in this field  for more than 15 years, I still learned a lot. I’m very proud of this manuscript”, said Dr Cudalbu.

NMR in Biomedicine is a well-known journal devoted to publications describing the development of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) or imaging (MRI) methods or their use to investigate physiological, biochemical, biophysical or medical problems.

NMR Biomedicine is publishing a Special Issue containing an impressive collection of articles summarizing the recommendations of international experts for various MRS applications. Dr Cudalbu and researchers from CIBM affiliate and associate  partner institutions are involved in other consensus articles published in the same Special Issue:

  • B 0 shimming for in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Experts’ consensus recommendations – Juchem et al.- (PubMed nih.gov)
  • Terminology and concepts for the characterization of in vivo MR spectroscopy methods and MR spectra: Background and experts’ consensus recommendations – Kreis et al.- PubMed (nih.gov)
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the rodent brain: Experts’ consensus recommendations – Lanz et al. – NMR in Biomedicine – Wiley Online Library
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