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Bréchet L, Ziegler DA, Simon AJ, Brunet D, Gazzaley A, Michel CM. Reconfiguration of electroencephalography microstate networks after breath-focused, digital meditation training - Brain Connectivity, 11(2): 146-155, March 2021

Hajdu SD, Kaesmacher J, Michel PP, Sirimarco G, Knebel JF, Bartolini B, Kurmann CC, Puccinelli F, Mosimann PJ, Bonvin C, Arnold PM, Niederhäuser J, Eskandari A, Mordasini P, Gralla PJ, Fischer PU, Saliou PG. Association of time of day when endovascular therapy for stroke starts and functional outcome - Neurology, 96(8): e1124-e1136, February 2021

Turoman N, Tivadar RI, Retsa C, Maillard AM, Scerif G, Matusz PJ. The development of attentional control mechanisms in multisensory environments - Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 43(2021): 100930, January 2021

Ros T, Kwiek J, Andriot T, Michela A, Vuilleumier P, Garibotto V, Ginovart N. PET imaging of dopamine neurotransmission during EEG neurofeedback - Frontiers in Physiology, : , January 2021

Khazaal Y, Elowe J, Kloucek P, Preisig M, Tadri M, Vandeleur C, Vandenberghe F, Verloo H, Ros T, Von Guntenb A. Psychiatrie - Revue Médicale Suisse, 17(85): 9, January 2021

Franceschiello B, Sart A, Citti G. A neuro-mathematical model for size and context related illusions. Space-time geometries for motion and perception in the brain and the arts - Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis, : 91-113, January 2021

Vorderwülbecke BJ, Carboni M, Tourbier S, Brunet D, Seeber M, Spinelli L, Seeck M, Vulliemoz S. High-density electric source imaging of interictal epileptic discharges: How many electrodes and which time point? - Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(12): 2795-2803, December 2020

Bréchet L, Brunet D, Perogamvros L, Tononi G, Michel CM. EEG microstates of dreams - Scientific Reports, 10(1): 17069, October 2020

Pernet C, Garrido MI, Gramfort A, Maurits N, Michel CM, Pang E, Salmelin R, Schoffelen JM, Valdes-Sosa PA, Puce A. Issues and recommendations from the OHBM COBIDAS MEEG committee for reproducible EEG and MEG research - Nature Neuroscience, 23: 1473–1483, September 2020

Gaglianese A, Branco MP, Groen I, Vansteensel MJ, Murray MM, Petridou N, Ramsey NF. Electrocorticography evidence of tactile motion responses in visual cortices - Brain Topography, 33(5): 559-570, September 2020

Maitre NL, Key AF, Slaughter JC, Yoder PJ, Neel ML, Richard C, Wallace MT, Murray MM. Neonatal multisensory processing in preterm and term infants predicts sensory reactivity and internalizing tendencies in early childhood - Brain Topography, 33(5): 586-599, September 2020

Cantonas LM, Mancini V, Rihs TA, Rochas V, Schneider M, Eliez S, Michel CM. Abnormal auditory processing and underlying structural changes in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(1): 189–196, August 2020

Maitre NL, Jeanvoine A, Yoder PJ, Key AP, Slaughter JC, Carey H, Needham A, Murray MM, Heathcock H, and the BBOP group. Kinematic and somatosensory gains in infants with cerebral palsy after a multi-component upper-extremity intervention: A randomized controlled trial - Brain Topography, 33: 751–766, December 2020

Tovar D, Murray MM, Wallace MT. Selective enhancement of object representations through multisensory integration - The Journal of Neuroscience, 40(29): 5604-5615, July 2020

Carboni M, De Stefano P, Vorderwülbecke BJ, Tourbier S, Mullier E, Rubega M, Momjian S, Schaller K, Hagmann P, Seeck M, Michel CM, van Mierlo P, Vulliemoz S. Abnormal directed connectivity of resting state networks in focal epilepsy - NeuroImage: Clinical, 27: 102336, July, 2020

Retsa C, Matusz PJ, Schnupp JW, Murray MM. Selective attention to sound features mediates cross-modal activation of visual cortices - Neuropsychologia, 144(107498): , July 2020

Franceschiello B, Di Sopra L, Minier A, Ionta S, Zeugin D, Notter MP, Bastiaansen JAM, Jorge J, Yerly J, Stuber M, Murray MM. 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of the freely moving human eye - Progress in Neurobiology, 194(101885): , July 2020

Hayoz R, Vietti-Violi N, Duran R, Knebel JF, Ledoux JB, Dromain C. The combination of hepatobiliary phase with Gd-EOB-DTPA and DWI is highly accurate for the detection and characterization of liver metastases from neuroendocrine tumor - European Radiology, 30(12): 6593-6602, June 2020

Ros T, Enriquez-Geppert S, Zotev V, Scharnowski F, Nicholson A, Drechsler R. Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist) - Brain, 143(6): 1674–1685, June 2020

Adam-Darque A, Pittet MP, Grouiller F, Rihs TA, Leuchter RH, Lazeyras F, Michel CM, Hüppi PS. Neural correlates of voice perception in newborns and the influence of preterm birth - Cerebral Cortex, 9(144): , June 2020

Tivadar RI, Gaglianese A, Murray MM. Auditory enhancement of illusory contour perception - Multisensory Research, 34(1): 1-15, June 2020

ZanchiF, Richard R, Hussami M, Monier A, Knebel JF, Omoumi P. MRI of non-specific low back pain and/or lumbar radiculopathy: do we need T1 when using a sagittal T2-weighted Dixon sequence? - European Radiology, 30: 2583-2593, February 2020

Anselmi F, Murray MM, Franceschiello B. A computational model for grid maps in neural populations - Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 48: 149–159, March 2020

Denervaud S, Gentaz E, Matusz PJ, Murray MM. Multisensory gains in simple detection predict global cognition in schoolchildren - Scientific Reports, 10(1394): , February 2020

Rotzinger DC, Knebel JF, Jouannic AM, Adler G, Qanadli SD. CT pulmonary angiography for risk stratification of patients with nonmassive acute pulmonary embolism - Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging, 2(4): e190188, April 2020

Sheybani L, Birot G, Contestabile A, Seeck M, Kiss JZ, Schaller K, Michel CM, Quairiaux C. Electrophysiological evidence for the development of a self-sustained large-scale epileptic network in the kainate mouse-model of temporal lobe epilepsy - The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(15): 3776-3791, April 2018

Crézé C, Candal L, Cros J, Knebel JF, Seyssel K, Stefanoni N, Schneiter P, Murray MM, Tappy L, Toepel U. The Impact of Caloric and Non-Caloric Sweeteners on Food Intake and Brain Responses to Food: A Randomized Crossover Controlled Trial in Healthy Humans - Nutrients, 10(5): 615, May 2018

Biria M, Tomescu MI, Custo A, Cantonas LM, Song KW, Schneider M, Murray MM, Eliez S, Michel CM, Rihs TA. Visual processing deficits in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome - NeuroImage: Clinical, 17: 976-986, December 2017

Zeugin D, Arfa N, Notter M, Murray MM, Ionta S. Implicit self-other discrimination affects the interplay between multisensory affordances of mental representations of faces - Behavioural Brain Research, 333: 282-285, August 2017

Pauchard B, Higashigaito K, Lamri-Senouci A, Knebel JF, Berthold D, Verdun FR, Alkadhi H, Schmidt S. Iterative Reconstructions in Reduced-Dose CT: Which Type Ensures Diagnostic Image Quality in Young Oncology Patients? - Academic Radiology, 24(9): 1114-1124, September 2017

Custo A, van de Ville D, Wells WM, Tomescu IM, Michel C. Electroencephalographic Resting-State Networks: Source Localization of Microstates - Brain Connect, 7(10): 671-682, December 2017

Ten Oever S, Romei V, van Atteveldt N, Soto-Faraco S, Murray MM, Matusz PJ. The COGs (context, object, and goals) in multisensory processing - Experimental Brain Research, 234(5): 1307-23, May 2016

Murray MM, Thelen A, Thut G, Romei V, Martuzzi R, Matusz PJ. The multisensory function of primary visual cortex in humans - Neuropsychologia, 83: 161-169, March 2016

Iannotti GR, Grouiller F, Centeno M, Carmichael DW, Abela E, Wiest R, Korff C, Seeck M, Michel C, Pittau F, Vulliemoz S. Epileptic networks are strongly connected with and without the effects of interictal discharges - Epilepsia, 57(7): 1086-96, July 2016

Grouiller F, Jorge J, Pittau F, van der Zwaag W, Iannotti GR, Michel CM, Vulliémoz S, Vargas MI, Lazeyras F. Presurgical brain mapping in epilepsy using simultaneous EEG and functional MRI at ultra-high field: feasibility and first results - MAGMA, 29(3): 605-16, June 2016

Anken J, Knebel JF, Crottaz-Herbette S, Matusz PJ, Lefebvre J, Murray MM. Cue-dependent circuits for illusory contours in humans - NeuroImage, 129: 335-344, April 2016

Tzovara A, Simonin A, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M. Neural detection of complex sound sequences in the absence of consciousness - Brain, 138(5): 1160-6, May 2015

Tzovara A, Chavarriaga R, De Lucia M. Quantifying the time for accurate EEG decoding of single value-based decisions - Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 250: 114-125, July 2015

Thelen A, Talsma D, Murray MM. Single-trial multisensory memories affect later auditory and visual object discrimination - Cognition, 138: 148-60, May 2015

Nahum L, Pignat JM, Bouzerda-Wahlen A, Gabriel D, Liverani MC, Lazeyras F, Ptak R, Richiardi J, Haller S, Thorens G, Zullino DF, Guggisberg AG, Schnider A. Neural Correlate of Anterograde Amnesia in Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome - Brain Topography, 28(5): 760-770, September 2015

Lefebvre J, Hutt A, Knebel JF, Whittingstall K, Murray MM. Stimulus statistics shape oscillations in nonlinear recurrent neural networks - The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(7): 2895-2903, February 2015

Khanna A, Pascual-Leone A, Michel CM, Farzan F. Microstates in Resting-State EEG: Current Status and Future Directions - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 49: 105-13, February 2015

Jorge J, Grouiller F, Ipek Ö, Stoermer R, Michel CM, Figueiredo P, van der Zwaag W, Gruetter R. Simultaneous EEG–fMRI at ultra-high field: Artifact prevention and safety assessment - NeuroImage, 105: 132-44, January 2015

Iannotti GR, Pittau F, Michel CM, Vulliemoz S, Grouiller F. Pulse Artifact Detection in Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Recording Based on EEG Map Topography - Brain Topography, 28(1): 21-32, January 2015

Grouiller F, Delattre BM, Pittau F, Heinzer S, Lazeyras F, Spinelli L, Iannotti GR, Seeck M, Ratib O, Vargas MI, Garibotto V, Vulliemoz S. All-in-one interictal presurgical imaging in patients with epilepsy: single-session EEG/PET/(f)MRI - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 42(7): 1133-43, June 2015

De Lucia M, Tzovara A. Decoding auditory EEG responses in healthy and clinical populations: A comparative study - Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 250: 106-13, July 2015

van Atteveldt N, Murray M, Thut G, Schroeder C. Multisensory Integration: Flexible Use of General Operations - Neuron, 81(6): 1240-1253, March 2014

Rossetti AO, Tzovara A, Murray MM, De Lucia M, Oddo M. Automated auditory mismatch negativity paradigm improves coma prognostic accuracy after cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia - Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 31(4): 356-61, August 2014

Rochas V, Rihs TA, Rosenberg N, Landis T, Michel CM. Very early processing of emotional words revealed in temporoparietal junctions of both hemispheres by EEG and TMS - Experimental Brain Research, 232(4): 1267-81, April 2014

Perruchoud D, Murray MM, Lefebvre J, Ionta S. Focal dystonia and the Sensory-Motor Integrative Loop for Enacting (SMILE) - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 458, June 2014

Mégevand P, Spinelli L, Genetti M, Brodbeck V, Momjian S, Schaller K, Michel CM, Vulliemoz S, Seeck M.. Electric source imaging of interictal activity accurately localises the seizure onset zone - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 85(1): 38-43, January 2014

Lascano AM, Grouiller F, Genetti M, Spinelli L, Seeck M, Schaller K, Michel CM. Surgically Relevant Localization of the Central Sulcus With High-density SEP Compared to fMRI - Neurosurgery, 74(5): 517-26, May 2014

Hardmeier M, Hatz F, Naegelin Y, Hight D, Schindler C, Kappos L, Seeck M, Michel CM, Fuhr P. Improved Characterization of Visual Evoked Potentials in Multiple Sclerosis by Topographic Analysis - Brain Topography, 27(2): 318-27, March 2014

Custo A, Vulliemoz S, Grouiller F, Van De Ville D, Michel C. EEG source imaging of brain states using spatiotemporal regression - NeuroImage, 96(1): 106-16, August 2014

Cossy N, Tzovara A, Simonin A, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M. Robust discrimination between EEG responses to categories of environmental sounds in early coma - Frontiers in Psychology, 5: 155, February 2014