CIBM 15th Anniversary
The upcoming CIBM 15th Anniversary event aims to give recognition to CIBM members, collaborators, partners and all stakeholders for their contributions in research, teaching and service activities over the last 15 years. In engaging with the scientific community and the public, we hope to share CIBM’s vision and objectives for the future.
8:00 | Beginning of Event : Arrival of Guests, Registration
9:00 | Welcome/Opening Ceremony
Prof. Pina Marziliano, CIBM Executive Director
9:10 | The colors of brain white matter
Prof. Denis le Bihan, NEUROSPIN
9:50 | A decade of fortuitous innovation and translation at CIBM-CHUV-MR
Prof. Matthias Stuber, CHUV-UNIL
10:10 | Signal Processing at the Core of the CIBM
Prof. Dimitri Van De Ville, EPFL-UNIGE
10:30 | Coffee Break with Posters and Demos (CIBM Research Staff Scientists + PhD students + Collaborators + Exhibitors)
11:15 | Celebrating 15 Years of CIBM: Pushing the Limits in Clinical Research
Prof. Francois Lazeyras, UNIGE-HUG
11:35 | Introduction of Artificial Intelligence in Molecular Imaging & Radionuclide Therapy
Dr. Kuangyu Shi, University of BERN
11:55 | Critical role of bioimaging technologies for translational research in psychiatric disorders: MRI and EEG from mice to personalized treatment
Prof. Kim Do, CHUV, UNIL
12:15 | Lunch Break with Posters and Demos (CIBM Research Staff Scientists + PhD students + Collaborators + Exhibitors)
13:45 | MRI Technology: Sensing, IT, and a Lesson from Mobile Phones
Prof. Klaas Prüssman, ETHZ
14:25 | Electrical Neuroimaging. Past, present and future
Prof. Christoph Michel, UNIGE -HUG
14:45 | Imaging the Developing Brain
Prof. Petra Susan Huppi, UNIGE
15:05 | Coffee Break with Posters and Demos (CIBM Research Staff Scientists + PhD students + Collaborators + Exhibitors)
15:50 | Multimodal imaging at high fields
Prof. Rolf Gruetter, EPFL
16:10 | Panel Session: Words of Wisdom for the Future of Biomedical Imaging
Members: Prof. Denis Le Bihan, Prof. Pierre Magistretti, Prof. Denis Hochstrasser, Prof. Reto Meuli, Prof. Rolf Gruetter.
Moderator: Prof. Pina Marziliano
16:50 | Closing Ceremony
Prof. Pina Marziliano, CIBM Executive Director
17:00 – 18:30 | Apéro with Posters and Demos (CIBM Research Staff Scientists + PhD students + Collaborators + Exhibitors)