BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research day 2022

We are delighted to announce the BBL-CIBM-FCBG Research Day 2022 will be held on June 1st in the Auditoire Adolphe Franceschetti,  Centre Médical Universitaire (CMU), University of Geneva.

The CIBM  Center for Biomedical Imaging launched the first annual MRI research day in 2008 with aim of gathering MRI experts from Geneva and the Lemanic region. In 2010, the event included other members of the CIBM community with MRI infrastructure such as  the University of Geneva’s Brain and Behaviour Laboratory (BBL) and in 2018, the  Human Neuroscience Platform at the Foundation Campus Biotech Geneva (FCBG).

The one-day event is an opportunity to review the status of ongoing MRI projects and activities, share experience, difficulties and benefit from a unique exchange platform between physicists, physicians, and neuroscientists.

This year, we have the great pleasure to inaugurate the newly upgraded 3T MRI scanner located at the BBL at the University of Geneva, one of the five founding institutions of the CIBM.

When registering, please take into account that there are two different tickets, one ticket  for attending the talks and posters during the day and another ticket for the  inauguration of the newly upgraded 3T MRI at the BBL. You can choose one or both depending on your attendance.


8h45 Welcome

9h00 Session 1
  • Can physical exercise compensate for suboptimal spatial memory representations in healthy young individuals at high genetic risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease?
    Kinka Igloi (PI: Sophie Schwartz, UNIGE)
  • Sense of agency modulates the neural mechanisms of episodic autobiographical memory
    Nathalie Meyer (PI: Olaf Blanke, EPFL)
  • The Effect of Uncertainty on Pain Valuation and Representation in Self and Others
    Leyla Loued-Khenissi (PI: Corrado Corradi dell’Acqua, UNIGE)
  • Does liraglutide lead to weight loss by altering food-related sensory pleasure?: A randomized controlled trial in patients with obesity on GLP-1 receptor agonist
    Géraldine Coppin (PI: David Sander, UNIGE)

10h20 Coffee Break

10h40 Session 2
  • Alteration of resting-state brain networks after negative socio-affective events in the elderly and relationship with neurodegenerative risk biomarkers
    Sebastian Baez (PI: Patrik Vuilleumier, UNIGE)
  • Effects of musical interventions on brain and behavior in healthy elderly
    Damien Marie (PI: Clara James, HES & UNIGE)
  • Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback for Chronic Tinnitus
    Nicolas Gninenko (PI: Sven Haller, UNIGE, Dimitri Van De Ville, EPFL, UNIGE)
  • Predicting cognitive performance from functional connectivity in healthy participants and patients with stroke
    Radek Ptak (PI: Radek Ptak, HUG)

12h00 Lunch + Posters

14h00 Session 3
  • Neural reactivity to psychosocial stress in emotion dysregulation disorders
    Ryan Murray (PI: Camille Piguet, UNIGE)
  • Functional connectivity underlying cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in post-COVID-19 syndrome: is anosognosia a key determinant?
    Alexandre Cionca (PI: Julie Peron, UNIGE, Frederic Assal, HUG)
  • Multimodal imaging of emotional vocalization production
    Garance Selosse (PI: Didier Grandjean,UNIGE, Leonardo Ceravolo, UNIGE)
  • Concurrent TMS-fMRI to determine adaptive brain changes to virtual lesions interfering with visual processing
    Estelle Raffin (PI: Friedhelm Hummel, EPFL)

15h20 Tea Break

15h40 Session 4
  • Motion calibration and tracking setup for MRI
    Oscar Dabrowski (PI: Francois Lazeyras, HUG, Bastien Chopard, UNIGE)
  • Kidney transplant monitoring by 31P MRSI and analysis by neural network
    Julien Songeon (PI: Francois Lazeyras, HUG)
  • Focused ultrasound in neuroscience
    Pauline Guillemin (PI: Rares Salomir, HUG)

16h40 Closing

17h30 Inauguration of Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma Fit 3T MRI scanner

Keynote speaker:

  • Jürgen Dukart, Leader of the “Biomarker Development” working group, Brain and Behaviour, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Jülich Research Center, Germany  “Applications of magnetic resonance imaging to improve system-level understanding of brain pathology underlying neurological and psychiatric diseases”

Invited speakers:

  • Mireille Betrancourt, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva
  • Cem Gabay, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
  • Antoine Geissbuhler, Vice-rector of the University of Geneva and President of the CIBM Strategy Committee


01 Jun 2022


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


CMU, University of Geneva
Poster Registration
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