Due to COVID-19, the third CIBM Breakfast & Science Seminar took place through videoconference with an attendance of 52 members of the CIBM community including members from ETHZurich and industry partner Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH.

Indeed these were special circumstances for Breakfast and Science session, as  mentioned by the first speaker Cristina Cudalbu, a research staff scientist and the 9.4T operational manager of the CIBM MRI EPFL Animal Imaging and Technology Section,  who gave the talk entitled “Translational Non-Invasive Neurometabolic Studies during Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy in Developing Brain, from the In vivo Rat to the Human Brain”, where she presented an exemplary collaborative work between all five CIBM founding partner institutions.

The second talk was by Tomas Ros, a research staff scientist from the CIBM EEG HUG-UNIGE Clinical and Translational Neuroimaging Section where he presented his work on “Neuroplastic effects of EEG neurofeedback” , a collaboration between Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College of London, UK  and  General Psychiatry, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

A question & answer session followed each talk  and the event concluded with a group picture of the participating attendees.

Although there were no croissants and coffee to mingle over after the talks, in general, the event was well appreciated. According to Jessica Bastiaansen, CIBM affiliate member from the CHUV Department of Radiology, “I think this was well organized with Zoom. Besides the fact that you can reach many people through such a video conference call, I could put some names with the faces, very useful”.

If you have missed these two fascinating talks, you can still catch them on the CIBM YouTube Channel

Please stay tuned for the CIBM Breakfast & Science Seminar 4 which will continue through videoconference on Tuesday April 28th, 2020.

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