The CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar series number 18 was a hybrid – both virtual and on-site with a restricted number of people.
It is our great honour to host the highly reputable speaker during this first in-person B&S event since March 2020 in the newly renovated CIBM seminar room at EPFL.
The 100μPET project: pioneering ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging with monolithic silicon pixel detectors
Giuseppe Iacobucci,
Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, University of Geneva
The 100μPET project, an SNSF SINERGIA between UNIGE, EPFL and HUG, is developing a small-animal PET scanner based on a multi-layer of novel monolithic silicon pixel sensors. In contrast to typical PET scanners, the 100μPET granularity of 100×100×200μm3 will provide ground-breaking spatial resolution and depth-of-interaction for high- quality imaging over the entire field of view. The outstanding volumetric spatial resolution of 0.06 mm3 will require the development of advanced image-reconstruction algorithms able to exploit the several millions detection channels.
The new instrument and method will be used to perform ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging of the onset and progression of atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- mice as a first biomedical application, before making it available for novel cutting-edge medical applications.
About the Speaker:
Giuseppe Iacobucci, full Professor at the University of Geneva, is a particle physicist who participated to experiments at the HERA electron-proton collider at DESY and at the ISR and LHC proton-proton colliders at CERN. He is presently involved in the ATLAS and FASER experiments at the LHC. Since several years, his research group is also active in the development of novel silicon sensors with very high time resolution for basic science and applications in medicine and beyond.
Seminar chair: Martin Walter (Head, CIBM PET HUG-UNIGE Molecular Imaging Section)