In this this 10th edition of the CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar series, the speakers covered two very diverse topics but each presentation demonstrated the importance of leveraging on multimodal methods.
Numerous questions from the audience and exchanges allowed this last session of the 2020 Series to be very inspiring and promising to further collaborations.
During the interactive sharing session of the event, it was announced that CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar series 2021 is in preparation and a Call for Speakers will be out soon. Stay tuned.
Probing brain metabolism in vivo: insights from multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Lijing Xin,
Research Staff Scientist, CIBM MRI EPFL AIT Section
Abstract: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using different nuclei (e.g. 1H, 2H, 13C, 31P, 17O) is a powerful tool to probe in vivo a large array of static and dynamic information beyond the water molecule in human and animal brains. 1H MRS can detect averaged levels of metabolites over different cellular compartments. 13C MRS in combination with infusion of 13C-labeled substrate (e.g. glucose, acetate or lactate) is the unique method to assess the measurement of kinetics such as cerebral energy metabolism and neurotransmission in vivo. 31P MRS allows the noninvasive measurement of energy metabolite levels, membrane metabolism, physiological parameters, redox state (NAD+/NADH) and most importantly metabolic rates for ATP metabolism, the key process in neuroenergetics for supporting normal brain function. In this presentation, a brief introduction will be given with a focus on 31P and 13C MRS approaches, followed by a few application studies that cerebral metabolism in healthy or pathological state is investigated.
EEG Source Localization in the Cartool toolbox: solving a single subject case
Denis Brunet,
Technical Staff Scientist CIBM EEG HUG-UNIGE Section
Abstract: : Localization of active sources in the brain from EEG can be challenging in so many aspects. The so-called electro-magnetic forward model and its matrix inversion are complex steps that have both theoretical and practical difficulties. However, these two points are far from being the only problems to be solved, still they are the focus of nearly all publications on EEG source localization. There remain so many other issues to be solved which are as sensitive for a successful localization.
We will be visiting how the Cartool toolbox is guiding the user going through all these steps: the MRI and electrodes pre-processing, the interactive virtual electrodes co-registration, the source space distribution in the brain, the skull thickness and conductivity estimation, the building of a locally adaptive 3-shell forward model, the matrix inversion, and finally the standardization of the resulting inverted data.
A live demo will be done to showcase the whole pipe-line, emphasizing how real-time interaction of the user is key for having meaningful results.
The monthly meet-up seminar series is a great environment to ask questions or to share insights on challenges and solutions. It’s also a good way to broaden and enrich professional networks.