Tomas Ros
EEG HUG-UNIGE Clinical and Translational Neuroimaging Section
During my PhD at University of London, I used transcranial magnetic stimulation to probe for the plastic effects of neurofeedback, showing for the first time cortical excitability changes directly after a training session (Ros et al 2010, Eur J Neuro). For my postdoc I worked at the University of Western Ontario, uncovering a neurofeedback protocol that positively correlated with reductions in mind-wandering, together with enhanced functional connectivity in a key cognitive control network (Ros et al 2013, Neuroimage). This led to the first translational study investigating its impact on patients with PTSD, revealing a positive effect on well-being and a plastic modulation of salience/default-mode networks (Kluetsch et al 2014, Acta Psych Scandinavica). I then moved to the University of Geneva, where I collaborated on several projects exploring EEG neurofeedback for post-stroke rehabilitation of hemispatial neglect (Ros et al 2017, Neural Plasticity). I am presently based at the Functional Brain Mapping Lab, where I am investigating the impact of neurofeedback on neurological and psychiatric disorders (Ros et al 2014, Front Human Neuro), and how this may be understood from the perspective of critical brain dynamics (Ros et al 2016, Cereb Cortex).
- tomas.ros@unige.ch
- (+41) 22 379 08 65
- University of Geneva, Campus Biotech 9 H8.2 , Chemin des Mines, CH-1202 Geneva
- http://www.tomasros.com/