Stéphane Germain
PET HUG-UNIGE Molecular Imaging Section
Born in Bourg-en-Bresse (France) in 1967, I studied in Lyon (France) and obtained two university degrees: one in biology and one in animal experimentation. After my studies, I worked in the field of cellular encapsulation for diabetes in a research centre in Lyon (France). Then, I worked for several start-ups in Lausanne (Switzerland) as the head of the animal facility and animal experimentation (rats and mice) for twenty years. In 2007, I joined the CIBM in Lausanne as a scientific collaborator where I was in charge of animal preparation for MRI and PET experiments. Today, I’m working for the CIBM at the Small Animal Preclinical Imaging Platform (PIPPA) in Geneva (Switzerland) where I’m mainly carrying out PET/SPECT/CT experiments for researchers of the University and Hospitals of Geneva. I’m also pleased to offer my help on MRI experiments, as well as on animal experimentation.
- stephane.germain@unige.ch
- (+41) 22 372 40 64
- HUG Bâtiment des laboratoires, 9N-6-203.1 Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil, 4 1211 Genève, 14
- https://www.unige.ch/medecine/pippa/institute-of-translational-molecular-imaging-itmi/