Solange Denervaud - CIBM | Center for Biomedical Imaging Solange Denervaud - CIBM | Center for Biomedical Imaging

Solange Denervaud

CIBM Flagship Project Officer
Solange obtained a BSc. and MSc. in Bioengineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) in 2013. She completed her PhD in Neuroscience at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV-UNIL), in collaboration with the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (CISA-UNIGE), bridging Neuroscience and education (2014-2020). This interest emerged from her first training as a Montessori school teacher (2003-2007). Solange’s research focuses on the impact of the learning environment on the development of core mechanisms of adaptation (i.e., error monitoring, cognitive flexibility, creativity, peer-peer learning) in schoolchildren and teenagers. Lately, her interest has extended to bridging heart and brain signals to investigate adaptive processes in adults. Her work uses a combination of psychophysics, neuropsychology, electroencephalography (EEG), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Since October 2023, Solange is the CIBM Flagship Project Officer federating the different CIBM expertise and techniques into a large research project aiming to break boundaries on education.
Keywords: learning, psychophysics, neuropsychology, EEG, MRI