The 23rd seminar of the CIBM Breakfast and Science Seminar Series was held on March 29, 2022, featuring a presentation by Pol del Aguila Pla, titled: Stability of image reconstruction algorithms. Dr. Pol del Aguila Pla is Research Staff Scientist, CIBM SP EPFL Mathematical Imaging Section.
Stability of image reconstruction algorithms
Pol del Aguila Pla,
Research Staff Scientist, CIBM SP EPFL Mathematical Imaging Section & Post-doctoral researcher, Biomedical Imaging Group, School of Engineering, EPFL.
Abstract: Algorithms to solve inverse problems are at the core of imaging, where they are known as image reconstruction methods. These methods recover the desired images from the indirect measurements provided by physical measurement devices such as PET, MRI, or EEG systems. Medical imaging critically depends on the guarantees these methods provide to inform diagnostic and treatment decisions. Of specific relevance is how stable they are–how much the recovered image changes when the measurements change slightly. In this talk, I will first briefly present a unified understanding of the history of image reconstruction. Then, I will clearly lay out the stability guarantees provided by different modern image reconstruction methods, focusing on our own work on the stability of Lp-regularization strategies.
About the Speaker: Dr. Pol del Aguila Pla received a double degree in telecommunications and electrical engineering from UPC BarcelonaTech in Barcelona, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, respectively, in 2014. In 2019 he obtained a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from KTH and joined the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging as a research staff scientist in the CIBM SP EPFL Mathematical Imaging Section headed by Prof. Michael Unser. Pol’s research at CIBM focuses on the design and study of image reconstruction methods for challenging new applications. Overall, his academic interests are in signal processing and machine learning topics where applied mathematics’ disciplines such as optimization, inverse problems, mathematical statistics, and functional analysis can make an impact.
The monthly meet-up seminar series is a great environment to ask questions or to share insights on challenges and solutions. It’s also a good way to broaden and enrich professional networks.
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