CIBM’s Annual Report 2020 highlights the center’s activities over the course of the year as a center of excellence in biomedical imaging. The Report which is public for the first time gives an update on the research, teaching and service conducted throughout the year as well as the outreach to promote biomedical imaging research and infrastructure to the wider community.

The CIBM Annual Report 2020 summarises the main facts and figures of CIBM in numbers. With an annual budget of CHF 4.5M, CIBM enabled 60 new research projects to commence in 2020, the continuation of 106 ongoing collaborative research projects, and support to more than 80 research groups in the CIBM community.

CIBM Core members obtained 14 new grants totalling CHF 2.9M from new external funding; authored 100 publications; filed two patents; submitted one invention disclosure and licensed one software to an industry partner. In 2020, 5,864 hours of scanning were conducted, resulting in CHF 345,000 in revenue from infrastructure usage.

While 2020 was a challenging and unusual year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, research and technical staff at CIBM’s five partner institutions adopted the rules and regulations according to their physical place of work. As a temporary measure, infrastructure and equipment at the different sites were made available for clinical or limited use.

The full scope and breadth of CIBM’s achievements in 2020 are a tremendous reflection on the collaborative work among and beyond CIBM’s community, enhanced by a fresh organisational structure.

You can download the CIBM Annual Report 2020 here (PDF)



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