AUTHORS: Yi JM, Je JH, Chu YS, Zhong Y, Hwu Y, Margaritondo G

Applied Physics Letters, 89(7): , August 2006


Can x rays yield bright-field images of crystalline systems similar to those of transmission electron microscopy? So far, the response was negative, but the authors present here a positive case: bright-field x-ray images carrying information both from diffraction/scattering phenomena and from absorption and phase contrast. Specifically, synchrotron x-ray transmission micrographs simultaneously yielded diffraction-based information on strain effects and information on structural inhomogeneities when (0001) 4HSiC4H-SiC wafers were set for a strong reflection in the Laue geometry. This approach offers interesting advantages with respect to the separate study of strain and inhomogeneity effects for a variety of crystalline systems.

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