You will find in this page the list of datasets developed by the CIBM members.
EEG dataset from healthy participants during auditory stimulation in wakefulness and sleep
This EEG and ECG dataset was recorded in healthy participants while administering auditory sequences during wakefulness and overnight sleep to investigate cardio-audio regularity encoding (see related publication The auditory regularities included unexpected sound omissions and comprised three types of sequences: synchronous, where sound onsets are temporally locked to the ongoing heartbeat; isochronous, with fixed sound-to-sound intervals; and asynchronous, with pseudoregular sound-to-sound intervals. The available dataset includes auditory evoked potentials, omission evoked potentials, and ECG-based R-to-R intervals around sound omissions.
CIBM Sections involved: EEG CHUV-UNIL
EEG dataset from healthy participants during sensory stimulation with tendon vibration
This dataset includes EEG data collected during tendon stimulation applied to the left arm of a cohort of healthy participants (see publication: Vibrotactile stimuli were delivered through electromechanical wireless vibrators. There were two types of stimulation: the first involved vibrating the distal biceps tendon at 90Hz and the distal triceps tendon at 50Hz, while the second involved stimulating both tendons at 70Hz. As the first type of stimulus produces an illusory sensation of elbow extension, while the second type elicits only a vibration sensation, this experiment allows for distinguishing the neural correlates of illusory movement from those produced by the vibration sensation.
CIBM Sections involved: EEG CHUV-UNIL
EEG and MRI datasets from healthy participants for estimating interhemispheric transfer time and microstructural brain features
These EEG and MRI datasets were collected from the same participants during two separate data collection sessions (see related publications: and The EEG dataset was recorded during a visual Poffenberger paradigm, with visual stimuli appearing in the left or right visual hemifield. The available data include the current source densities over the V1 and V2 brain regions of the visual evoked activity during left and right visual stimulus presentation. The dataset also includes the G-ratio values along the transcallosal visual tract and the length of the transcallosal tract estimated from the MRI data.
CIBM Sections involved: EEG CHUV-UNIL
Cartool Open Source, Fast, tested and validated EEG analysis software, Open Source.
Cartool is a software primarily designed as a scientific tool tailored for the visualization and analysis of EEG data, encompassing full recordings, resting states, evoked responses, intra-cranial activity, and more.
It enables seamless real-time integration of diverse modalities such as EEG, electrodes, and MRI. Offering an array of tools, including preprocessing for EEG, electrodes, and MRI, as well as frequency and micro-states analysis, and electrical source imaging.
Developed in C++ for Windows, Cartool is highly optimized for parallel processing, has a very small memory footprint, and very few dependencies. It has been undergoing continuous development since 1996, thanks to the Functional Brain Mapping, Geneva, and CIBM, Lausanne.
CIBM Sections involved: EEG HUG-UNIGE
MRS4Brain toolbox
The MRS4Brain Toolbox was designed to offer advanced functionalities for Bruker preclinical MRSI data, encompassing preprocessing, fitting, quantification, semi-automatic quality control, co-registration and segmentation of metabolic maps using anatomical images, all integrated within a single open-source graphical user interface (GUI).
CIBM Sections involved: MRI EPFL
MR Spectra from rat hippocampus with LCModel quantification and the corresponding basis set
This folder contains the LCModel quantifications of spectra acquired in hippocampus from 7 rats. The spectra were quntified using six different DKNTMN (spline stiffness) values (0.1, 0.25, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 5). In the folder Control_files_Basis_set you can find all the control files used in this quantification along with the corresponding basis set (metabolites/simulated using NMRScopeB from jMRUI and in vivo parameters + full MM spectrum).
Please cite the following manuscript if you are using the data.
CIBM Sections involved: MRI EPFL
T2 Mapping from Super-Resolution-Reconstructed Clinical Fast Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Acquisitions
Relaxometry studies in preterm and at-term newborns have provided insight into brain microstructure, thus opening new avenues for studying normal brain development and supporting diagnosis in equivocal neurological situations. However, such quantitative techniques require long acquisition times and therefore cannot be straightforwardly translated to in utero brain developmental studies. In clinical fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging routine, 2D low-resolution T2-weighted fast spin echo sequences are used to minimize the effects of unpredictable fetal motion during acquisition. As super-resolution techniques make it possible to reconstruct a 3D high-resolution volume of the fetal brain from clinical low-resolution images, their combination with quantitative acquisition schemes could provide fast and accurate T2 measurements. In this context, the present work demonstrates the feasibility of using super-resolution reconstruction from conventional T2-weighted fast spin echo sequences for 3D isotropic T2 mapping. A quantitative magnetic resonance phantom was imaged using a clinical T2-weighted fast spin echo sequence at variable echo time to allow for super-resolution reconstruction at every echo time and subsequent T2 mapping of samples whose relaxometric properties are close to those of fetal brain tissue. We demonstrate that this approach is highly repeatable, accurate and robust when using six echo times (total acquisition time under 9 minutes) as compared to gold-standard single-echo spin echo sequences (several hours for one single 2D slice).
CIBM Sections involved: SP CHUV-UNIL
SPiCiCAP framework
This dataset was acquired to investigate spatio-temporal properties of spinal resting-state fluctuations using a dynamic connectivity approach, the SPiCiCAP framework.
Details can be found in the related publication: Kinany, N., Pirondini, E., Van De Ville, D., and Micera, S. (2020). Dynamic functional connectivity of resting-state spinal cord fMRI reveals fine-grained intrinsic architecture. Neuron.
CIBM Sections involved: SP EPFL-UNIGE
Quantitative Evaluation of Enhanced multi-plane clinical fetal diffusion MRI with a crossing-fiber phantom
This dataset provides MRI acquisitions of a customized crossing phantom for fetal brain. It contains:
1) High Resolution acquisitions of 1.5 mm3 isotropic and 61 directions (with b-vectors/b-values)
2) Six low resolution acquisitions of 1x1x4 mm3 and 9-16-25 directions (with respective b-vectors/b-values)
3) A structural T2-w acquisition
CIBM Sections involved: SP CHUV-UNIL and MRI CHUV-UNIL