Carole Guedj - CIBM | Center for Biomedical Imaging Carole Guedj - CIBM | Center for Biomedical Imaging

Carole Guedj

Postdoctoral researcher
CIBM MRI UNIGE Cognitive and Affective Neuroimaging Section

Carole Guedj joined the CIBM MRI UNIGE section in November 2023 as a Postdoctoral researcher.
She is a neuroscientist specializing in attentional processes. She began her academic career with a bachelor’s degree in animal physiology, followed by a master’s in cognitive neuroscience. In 2016, she completed her PhD at the Neurosciences and Cognition doctoral school in Lyon. Her doctoral research focused on the effects of norepinephrine on the awake non-human primate brain using functional MRI (Lyon Neuroscience Research Center).
Then, she joined forces with Professor Patrik Vuilleumier’s laboratory where she investigated the role of the pulvinar in attention (fMRI and EEG in healthy individuals and stroke patients).
She currently works in collaboration with two research groups: the Geneva Musical Minds Laboratory and the Innovative Clinical Multimodal Brain Imaging team.
Her current projects aims to elucidate and ultimately optimize the complex development of cognitive functions in children.

  • +41 (0) 22 37 90993 / +33 (0) 632 88 00 84
  • UNIGE Brain and Behaviour Laboratory, Rue Michel-Servet 1, 1211 Geneva 4