Estelle Gerossier - CIBM | Center for Biomedical Imaging Estelle Gerossier - CIBM | Center for Biomedical Imaging

Estelle Gerossier

Animal Physiologist
MRI EPFL Animal Imaging and Technology Section

Technical Specialist

Estelle completed a BSc in technologies in physiology and physiopathology (University of Grenoble, France) in 2003 and an MSc in Biotechnology research and development (University of Paris) in 2005.

She worked as a senior Scientific Associate in different biopharmaceutical companies developing therapeutic vaccines and compounds in the field of infectious diseases, auto-immune diseases (autoimmune encephalomyelitis), and oncology, performing in vivo and in vitro evaluation of drugs and development of animal models (rats and mice).

Working with animals since 2003, she has significant experience in research laboratories and in vivo techniques to ensure the scientific quality of animal experimentation and animal welfare. She joined the CIBM MRI EPFL Animal Imaging and Technology Section in July 2023 as Animal Physiologist. She is a member of the veterinarian team, providing technical support for pre-clinical research, animal preparation for MRI and PET experiments, and regulatory compliance to the CIBM community.

KEYWORDS: Animal welfare, animal experimentation, surgery techniques, lab managing